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Popravek eGPU za naprave GPD HX 365 in HX 370, ki temeljijo na procesorju GPD

2 min read

Podjetje GPD je izdalo popravek, ki odpravlja težavo, pri kateri priklopne postaje eGPU, kot je GPD G1, niso delovale pravilno prek USB 4 ali OCuLink. Ta popravek velja izključno za naprave s procesorji AMD Ryzen 9 HX 365 in HX 370. Ni namenjen napravam s procesorji AMD Ryzen 8840U ali prejšnjimi, saj se pri teh modelih ta težava ne pojavlja. Uporaba tega popravka na prejšnjih modelih ni priporočljiva.

Ponovno potrjujem, da ga lahko uporabljate le pri naslednjih modelih. Če niste prepričani, kateri model imate in ste ga kupili pri nas, nas kontaktirajte za potrditev.
GPD WIN 4 2025 Samo AMD Ryzen 9 HX
GPD WIN MAX 2 2025 Samo AMD Ryzen 9 HX
GPD WIN Mini 2025 Samo AMD Ryzen 9 HX
GPD Pocket 4 Samo AMD Ryzen 9 HX
GPD Duo Samo AMD Ryzen 9 HX

Najprej prenesite datoteko graphics_patch.rar s tega mesta (rezervna povezava tukaj). Ker gre za programsko opremo na ravni jedra sistema Windows, lahko brskalnik ali protivirusni program med prenosom blokirata prenos ali vas opozorita. Upoštevajte, da so te datoteke varne in da so opozorila lažno pozitivna. Ko jih prenesete, datoteke razmnožite v napravo GPD.

Izvlečene datoteke iz prenosa
Izvlečene datoteke iz prenosa

Zdaj zaženite datoteko AGC-Setup-1.0.6.exe. Če vas Microsoft Defender SmartScreen pozove, za nadaljevanje izberite Zaženi vseeno.

Izberite Run Anyway
Izberite Run Anyway

Sledite pozivom za namestitev programske opreme. Ob pozivu za ponovni zagon računalnika izberite možnost za ponovni zagon, nato pa kliknite Dokončaj za ponovni zagon naprave.

Po ponovnem zagonu sistema Windows boste na namizju našli ikono bližnjice AGC. Z dvojnim klikom nanjo zaženite programsko opremo in prikazal se bo glavni zaslon. Pojdite na zavihek Config GPU Feature.

Kliknite Config GPU Feature
Kliknite Config GPU Feature

Kliknite gumb Zamenjaj gonilnik Kmd, da se odpre pogovorno okno za izbiro datoteke.

Kliknite na Zamenjaj gonilnik Kmd
Kliknite na Zamenjaj gonilnik Kmd

Pojdite do izvlečenih datotek in izberite datoteko amdkmdag.sys.

Izberite datoteko amdkmdag.sys
Izberite datoteko amdkmdag.sys

Ko je datoteka uvožena in posodobljena, se prikaže okno z obvestilom, ki potrjuje posodobitev in vas poziva k ponovnemu zagonu naprave. Posodobitev lahko preverite tako, da pregledate besedilni dnevnik, prikazan v polju. V oknu z obvestilom kliknite V redu, nato izberite Ponovni zagon operacijskega sistema ali ponovno zaženite napravo v meniju Start.

Po posodobitvi boste pozvani k ponovnemu zagonu.
Po posodobitvi boste pozvani k ponovnemu zagonu.

Po ponovnem zagonu lahko napravo še naprej uporabljate kot običajno. Če naprave GPD G1 še niste nastavili, si lahko tukaj preberete naš enostaven vodnik za začetek uporabe naprave GPD G1.

13 komentarji

  1. eastwestaccount

    I have the drivers of 25.3.1 and am not getting any crashes. But when I run a game, I get 20fps and only 16% GPU utilization no matter what settings I pick. If i run a benchmark I get full performance of the GPU and the expected FPS. I am using OcuLink with a 7800XT GPU.

    I have tested the same GPU on a thunderbolt dock and got the expect results, it seems to only be affecting my oculink port.

    1. Can you first check the refresh rate of the screen in Windows Display Settings, and also in the AMD settings and going by your other message on Steam Settings. It sounds like you may have a frame limiter enabled somewhere if all games are doing it.

      Have you tried a fresh install of the latest drivers? Follow our guide at for how to fully remove the drivers and reinstall them.

      If you are still having issues. Which eGPU and OCuLink cable do you have? The OCuLink cable especially can have issues if not fully compatible with certain eGPUs. The one we sell has been tested with the GPD G1 and ONEXGPU series eGPUs.

  2. eastwestaccount

    I have tested with Oculink and still not getting proper speeds with the 25.3.1 AMD drivers. I get perfect scores in benchmarks, but Steam games refuse to use the GPU above 15% utilization.

    1. I replied to your other message.

  3. Hi, Thank you for continuing to improve.
    But unfortunately, OCulink still crashes on GPD Win4 (2025/HX) with G1(2024).
    The error no longer occurred immediately, but when I ran benchmark (FF XV) software, AMD generated an error and stopped recognizing G1.
    When connected via USB4, the G1 works without problems regardless of whether or not this patch is applied.

    1. Thank you for the feedback. We have passed this on to GPD engineers to look into further. We will update this page with any further information and fixes. Thanks.

    2. chris margach

      Same issue with oculink I would hold of from purchasing until this is fixed

      1. GPD are still working on a proper fix for this. We will update when it is available. Thanks.

    3. Dave Cole

      The new AMD drivers 25.3.1 fixes the issue with eGPUs. We ran a few different game benchmarks multiple times and had no issues at all.

  4. FYI: with my GPD G1 and GPD Duo HX 370

    1. We replied to your other comment to say we have passed this on to GPD engineers to look into further. Thanks.

  5. Hi, followed the instructions and still it still crashes both through USB and Oculink.

    1. Thank you for the feedback, we have passed this on to GPD engineers to look into further.

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