GPD Pocket 4 diumumkan

Memperkenalkan GPD Pocket 4: Laptop dan Tablet Mini 2-in-1 yang Canggih

Pra Pesan GPD Pocket 4 Sekarang

GPD POCKET 4 INFOGRAPHICS DONE 370 64 4 02 @ GPD | PC Gaming Handhelds & Mini Laptops

GPD Pocket 4 adalah inovasi terbaru dalam seri GPD Pocket yang terkenal, yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para penggemar teknologi dan profesional yang membutuhkan perangkat yang ringkas namun bertenaga. Dengan kemampuan AI yang canggih, port modular, dan desain 2-in-1 serbaguna yang dapat dengan mudah bertransformasi antara laptop dan tablet, GPD Pocket 4 dirancang untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan kemampuan beradaptasi ke mana pun Anda pergi.

Target Audiens: Untuk Siapa GPD Pocket 4?

GPD Pocket 4 sangat ideal untuk berbagai pengguna, termasuk teknisi pemeliharaan dan pengembara digital yang membutuhkan perangkat yang menyeimbangkan daya dan portabilitas. Kemampuan AI-nya yang canggih, fungsionalitas modular yang dapat disesuaikan, dan perangkat keras yang tangguh menjadikannya pilihan utama bagi siapa pun yang mencari kinerja tinggi dalam perangkat yang mudah dibawa dan cukup serbaguna untuk menangani lingkungan dan tugas yang berbeda.

Desain Serbaguna: Laptop Mini dan Tablet dalam Satu

GPD Pocket 4 mendefinisikan ulang keserbagunaan dengan layar berputarnya yang unik, sehingga pengguna dapat beralih secara mulus antara mode laptop dan tablet. Fungsionalitas ganda ini berarti Anda dapat menikmati manfaat produktivitas dari laptop yang ringan dan antarmuka yang mudah digunakan dari tablet dalam satu perangkat yang ringkas.

Mengubah GPD Pocket 4 dari laptop mini menjadi tablet
Mengubah GPD Pocket 4 dari laptop mini menjadi tablet

Baik saat Anda mengetik dokumen, menjelajahi web, GPD Pocket 4 langsung beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan Anda. Kemampuannya untuk menjalankan sistem operasi apa pun dalam mesin virtual saat berada dalam mode tablet menambahkan lapisan fleksibilitas lain, menjadikannya alat yang ampuh untuk berbagai tugas dari laptop untuk siswa hingga laptop untuk bisnis.

Dimensi Ringkas dan Tampilan Berkualitas Tinggi

GPD Pocket 4 dalam konfigurasi laptop mini dan tablet
GPD Pocket 4 dalam konfigurasi laptop mini dan tablet

Notebook ultra-portabel GPD Pocket 4 hanya berukuran 206,8 × 144,5 × 22,2 mm, membuatnya sangat portabel tanpa mengorbankan kegunaannya. Notebook ini memiliki layar LTPS 8,8 inci dengan resolusi 2560 × 1600, menghasilkan 343 PPI untuk visual yang tajam dan jernih. Kecepatan refresh 144Hz memastikan kinerja yang mulus, terutama untuk bermain game dan konsumsi media, sementara gamut warna DCI-P3 97% menawarkan warna yang hidup dan akurat, ideal untuk pembuatan konten kelas profesional. Dengan kecerahan puncak 500 nits dan teknologi peredupan DC, layar tetap mudah dilihat dalam berbagai kondisi pencahayaan, menjadikan Pocket 4 sebagai pendamping yang dapat diandalkan baik di dalam maupun di luar ruangan.

Performa Penuh Daya: CPU dan GPU AMD Ryzen

Pada intinya, laptop ringkas GPD Pocket 4 ditenagai oleh prosesor AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370, yang memiliki 12 core dan 24 thread dengan boost clock hingga 5,1 GHz. Dibangun di atas arsitektur ZEN 5 dan disempurnakan dengan teknologi RDNA 3.5 dan XDNA 2, prosesor ini memberikan performa luar biasa untuk multitasking, gaming, dan aplikasi berbasis AI.

GPD Pocket 4 dengan CPU AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370
GPD Pocket 4 dengan CPU AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370

Dipasangkan dengan iGPU AMD Radeon 890M, yang mencakup 16 unit komputasi dan 1024 stream processor, Pocket 4 dapat dengan mudah menangani tugas-tugas grafis yang berat. Baik saat Anda bermain game, mengedit video, atau menjalankan simulasi yang rumit, GPD Pocket 4 memastikan kinerja yang mulus dan responsif di seluruh bagian.

Kemampuan AI Mutakhir

GPD Pocket 4 menetapkan standar baru dalam kemampuan AI dengan daya komputasi AI sebesar 80 TOPS, melampaui pesaing seperti Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite dan Apple M4. Hal ini menjadikannya perangkat yang ideal untuk aplikasi yang digerakkan oleh AI, seperti pembelajaran mesin, analisis data waktu nyata, dan otomatisasi cerdas, yang memenuhi tuntutan tahun 2024 dan seterusnya.

Performa AI GPD Pocket 4
Performa AI GPD Pocket 4

Kemampuan AI prosesor Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 meningkatkan produktivitas dengan memungkinkan alur kerja yang lebih cepat dan lebih efisien, menjadikan GPD Pocket 4 sebagai alat yang ampuh untuk tugas-tugas AI modern.

RAM Berkecepatan Tinggi & Penyimpanan yang Luas

Dilengkapi dengan pilihan RAM LPDDR5x 16GB atau 32GB dengan clock 7500 MT/s, GPD Pocket 4 memastikan akses data secepat kilat dan multitasking tanpa hambatan, cocok untuk para profesional yang bekerja dengan kumpulan data besar atau beberapa mesin virtual. Perangkat ini juga dilengkapi dengan port M.2 NVMe 1.4, mendukung penyimpanan hingga 4TB dengan potensi untuk diperluas hingga 8TB, memberikan ruang yang cukup untuk semua file dan aplikasi Anda.

Fungsionalitas Modular untuk Kustomisasi

Salah satu fitur yang menonjol dari laptop industri GPD Pocket 4 adalah desain modularnya, yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyesuaikan perangkat sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Modul opsional termasuk Modul Ekspansi Port EIA RS-232, Modul Kontrol KVM port tunggal, dan Modul Pembaca Kartu microSD. Selain itu, Modul Ekspansi 4G LTE opsional memastikan Anda tetap terhubung saat bepergian.

GPD Pocket 4 port modular
GPD Pocket 4 port modular

Port USB 4 dan Konektivitas eGPU

GPD Pocket 4 memiliki port USB 4 dengan bandwidth 40Gbps, yang mendukung solusi grafis eksternal seperti docking station eGPU GPD G1. Konektivitas ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk meningkatkan performa grafis perangkat, menjadikan Pocket 4 sebagai perangkat gaming atau workstation yang tangguh dengan tetap mempertahankan portabilitasnya. Saat terpasang, Anda juga dapat terhubung ke beberapa monitor portabel termasuk DroiX PM14 14 inci yang terlihat sangat bagus.

Dengan port USB 4, Anda dapat menyambungkan eGPU GPD G1 ke GPD Pocket 4
Dengan port USB 4, Anda dapat menyambungkan eGPU GPD G1 ke GPD Pocket 4

Daya Tahan Baterai yang Lama dan Pengisian Daya yang Cepat

Meskipun ukurannya ringkas, laptop berukuran kecil GPD Pocket 4 hadir dengan baterai 44,8Wh, menawarkan pemutaran video hingga 9 jam. Laptop ini mendukung pengisian daya cepat PD 100W, sehingga Anda dapat mengisi daya perangkat dengan cepat menggunakan power bank, membuatnya sempurna untuk perjalanan atau sesi kerja yang panjang dan jauh dari stopkontak.

Anda dapat mengisi daya GPD Pocket 4 melalui power bank
Anda dapat mengisi daya GPD Pocket 4 melalui power bank

Spesifikasi Teknis Lengkap

  • Layar: 8,8 inci, resolusi 2560 × 1600, kecepatan refresh 144Hz, 343 PPI, gamut warna DCI-P3 97%, kecerahan puncak 500 nits
  • Sentuhan: 10-Point Multi-Touch, dukungan Pena Kapasitif dengan sensitivitas tekanan tingkat 4096
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370, 12 Core, 24 Thread, hingga 5,1 GHz
  • GPU: AMD Radeon 890M, 16 CU, hingga 2,9 GHz
  • Kemampuan AI: Daya komputasi 80 TOPS AI
  • RAM: 16GB atau 32GB LPDDR5x, 7500 MT/s
  • Penyimpanan SSD NVMe M.2 M.2 hingga 4TB, dapat diperluas hingga 8TB
  • Fungsionalitas Modular: Modul opsional termasuk EIA RS-232, KVM port tunggal, Pembaca Kartu microSD, 4G LTE
  • I / O 1 × USB4, 2 × USB A, 1 × HDMI 2.1, 1 × RJ45 Ethernet
  • Baterai: 44,8Wh, pemutaran video hingga 9 jam, pengisian cepat PD 100W
  • Komunikasi: Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth
  • Keamanan: Sensor sidik jari

Evolusi dari Seri Saku GPD

Seri GPD Pocket secara konsisten mendorong batas-batas laptop ultra-portabel sejak peluncuran GPD Pocket 1 pada tahun 2017. Setiap iterasi telah membawa peningkatan yang signifikan dalam kinerja, desain, dan keserbagunaan. Pocket 2, yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 2018, menawarkan perangkat keras dan desain yang disempurnakan, sedangkan GPD Pocket 3 pada tahun 2021 memperkenalkan fungsionalitas modular dan layar yang dapat diputar, yang menetapkan standar baru untuk keserbagunaan laptop mini. GPD Pocket 4 melanjutkan warisan ini, menawarkan teknologi canggih dalam faktor bentuk yang ringkas.

Tanggal Rilis dan Harga

GPD Pocket 4 diperkirakan akan segera diumumkan secara resmi, dengan perkiraan rilis pada bulan November 2024, tepat pada waktunya untuk musim liburan di awal tahun 2025. Meskipun rincian harga belum dikonfirmasi, namun fitur-fitur canggih dan desain inovatif kemungkinan akan membuatnya menjadi perangkat yang sangat dicari oleh para profesional dan konsumen. Nantikan kabar terbaru selanjutnya saat peluncuran resminya semakin dekat. Anda bisa mendaftar untuk mendapatkan notifikasi pre-order pada halaman GPD Pocket 4 di sini.

Daftar Tunggu untuk GPD Pocket 4

Komentar 81

  1. any info if the gpd pocket 3 KVM module is compatible with the gpd pocket 4 (or vice-versa)?

    1. The modules are not compatible with each other. Modules for Pocket 3 will not work on Pocket 4 and vice-versa.

  2. Will it ever arrive on aliexpress GPD Offical store? Cant pay directly, want to buy asap.

  3. I’m interested in knowing more about the keyboard options for this device. Where are the keys located after O and P, and after K and L? Are there any alternative keyboard layouts available, such as a standard QWERTY layout? Can it be used to type in different languages?

    1. The symbol keys are located across the top row to the right of the ESC key, you use the FN key and the keyboard key. There are no alternative keyboard layouts. You can change the keyboard language in Windows, it would be similar to using a QWERTY keyboard with a different language on say a laptop or desktop PC.

      1. Such a situation is unacceptable. I’m waiting for GPD Pocket 5 with the right keyboard… )

        1. The majority of customers use QWERTY or are at least familiar with it. GPD have not sold alternative keyboards unless a batch is specifically ordered with alternative keyboard.

          1. Why does the GPD WIN 4 have a full QWERTY keyboard, but the GPT Poket 4 doesn’t? I believe adding a few keys for a full keyboard wouldn’t make the device much larger, especially if they could be used for a stylus when not typing. A full keyboard is especially useful for programming and overall productivity.

          2. The GPD WIN 4 keys are very small and not great for anything other than shorter text. You would not want to write an A4 length document in word with it. The Pocket 4 keys are far larger and perfectly fine to use for any length of time. All of the keys are there, just in a different layout. I would personally take the larger keys that are easy to type on rather than small keys for short text.

          3. Make the same device, but a little bigger, with a normal keyboard that has op[] kl;’, and also a place for a stylus, with the same internals, and I’m sure it will be a bestseller. For now, no, it’s not suitable for everyone.

        2. I agree. Having to hold Fn for ; is unacceptable. Looks like the Pocket 4 is made for HTML and Python kids and not real programmers.

          1. There should be a setting in BIOS to lock the Fn key if I recall correctly.

  4. Sasoon Sarkisian

    Hey does this support pen input, and if so which pens? Is there a slot to store the pen? Considering getting this as a portable blender machine 🙂

    1. It will support Capacitive stylus. GPD have not provided any information if they will have a specific Capacitive stylus for this, but any should be compatible. There is no slot to store it. There will be case available for the Pocket 4 so you could store in there.

  5. Any chance the micro sd card reader gets bumped up to UHS-II like the Win Max 2 has? Not sure if the swappable module supports that kind of bandwidth, but it would be cool if there were higher performance options too, like throwing an extra 2.5 GbE, Oculink, or similar ports in, given this appears targeted at network admins, etc. I can dream, right?

    1. As far as we know the Micro SD card reader module will be UHS-I bus, 160MB/s read, 120MB/s write. Maybe a faster module will be released later on.

  6. Will there be a lower spec version like how the Pocket 3 had a Pentium version? I’d like this as a portable work device, so I personally wouldn’t get much use out of the more powerful components.

    1. There will be a lower performance AMD Ryzen 7 8840U model out around the same time as the Ryzen 9 HX 370. As for a very low model like the Intel 7505 on the Pocket 3, nothing has been announced yet, maybe later next year.

  7. do y’all ship to Kuwait on igg or in this website ? if yes what carrier do you usually use in the middle east ? + I want to pre-order the pocket 4 in igg and i want to buy a stylus with the device, how can i achieve that on igg because in igg i can’t find the stylus ? should i wait for it to release in this website so i buy it with the stylus ?

    1. Unfortunately we do not ship to Kuwait.

      1. thanks for the reply but it says in igg that you can ship it to kuwait, so what will happened if i directly orderd on igg with my kuwaiti address ?

        1. We will be adding Kuwait to our supported shipping here soon.

  8. How do I buy one in Australia? And how much $AUD ?

    1. You can buy from us once we start accepting orders. The price has not been finalised just yet, but once we start taking pre-orders the prices will be available. We ship to Australia. If you go to the product page at there is a Get Notified email signup which will notify you once pre-orders start.

      1. Thanks for the info Dave, I’ve signed up for notifications and will keep my eye out. The current Pocket 3 with the Pentium Gold 7505 is appealing but I’ll hold out for confirmed price/specs/availability of the Pocket 4.

        1. specifications are pretty much confirmed now on the product page, just waiting on a final price which we hope to have very soon.

      2. I just had a look at the drop-down list of countries and regions available for shipping when I add something to my shopping cart – Australia is not mentioned there at all ?

        1. We are adding Australia to the shipping locations this week, we will also have the prices in AUD.

          1. Fantastic! Thank you.

          2. Any update on shipping to Australia and AUD prices?

          3. It will be soon. A few different countries are being added. It takes a little time as we have currency conversion, tax, shipping methods etc to do for each one.

  9. Go-go GPD engeneers! Engeneer this brilliant tiny monster in reality asap! Will order it as soon as it arrive in aliexpress.

    1. It is coming very soon! We hope to have a pre-production sample for preview in a couple of weeks.

  10. Hallo,
    gibt es das Teil auch mal mit einer QUERTZ-Tastatur, ich wär schon ganz scharf drauf?

  11. Leider gibt es nur eine QWERTY-Tastatur

  12. du meinst wohl nur QWERTY?

  13. finally an AMD mini laptop to slap on linux and have as my daily driver.
    Where do i subscribe for release date?

    1. On the product page at there is a Get Notified button, enter your email there and we will contact when pre-orders are available. Thanks.

  14. finally an AMD mini laptop to slap on linux and have as my daily driver.
    Where do i subscribe for release date?

  15. finally an AMD mini laptop to slap on linux and have as my daily driver.
    Where do i subscribe for release date?

  16. Does this have bypass charging? Meaning when it’s connected to the outlet using the adapter, it would not draw power from the battery?

    1. Thank you for your question about bypass charging on the GPD Pocket 4. While the full technical specifications have not yet been released, bypass charging (also known as pass-through charging) is a common feature in many modern laptops and portable devices. This feature allows the device to run directly off AC power when plugged in, without drawing from or charging the battery.
      However, we don’t have official confirmation from GPD about this specific feature for the Pocket 4 model. Given its focus on portability and productivity, it would be a logical inclusion, but we can’t say for certain at this time.
      Once more detailed specifications are available closer to the release date, we’ll be able to provide a definitive answer about bypass charging support. In the meantime, I’d recommend to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on product releases.

  17. Does this have bypass charging? Meaning when it’s connected to the outlet using the adapter, it would not draw power from the battery?

  18. Does this have bypass charging? Meaning when it’s connected to the outlet using the adapter, it would not draw power from the battery?

  19. Der Pocket 4 sieht wirklich vielversprechend aus! Auch ich würde mich jedoch über eine Qwertz Tastatur freuen. Man könnte dies ja als optionales addon verkaufen? Bei meinem WinMax2 habe ich auch einen 3rd party Hersteller gefunden, der eine QWERTZ Tastatur anbietet, funktioniert wunderbar. Es wäre toll, wenn es das auch von GPD direkt gäbe, damit man nicht auf Drittanbieter angewiesen ist.

    1. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse am GPD Pocket 4 und Ihren Vorschlag bezüglich einer QWERTZ-Tastatur. Wir schätzen Ihr Feedback sehr.
      Wir möchten Sie über einige wichtige Punkte bezüglich lokalisierter Tastaturen informieren:
      Produktionsanforderungen: Die Herstellung einer lokalisierten Tastaturlayout wie QWERTZ oder AZERTY erfordert eine Mindestproduktion von etwa 1000 Stück. Dies stellt für uns als Hersteller eine erhebliche Herausforderung dar.
      Alternative Lösung: Als praktikable Alternative haben wir festgestellt, dass die Verwendung von Tastatur-Aufklebern mit den korrekten Layouts eine effiziente Lösung darstellt. Diese ermöglichen es den Nutzern, ihre bevorzugte Tastaturbelegung zu erhalten, ohne dass wir separate Produktionslinien einrichten müssen.
      Zukünftige Überlegungen: Wir nehmen Ihren Vorschlag zur Kenntnis und werden ihn für zukünftige Produktionszyklen in Betracht ziehen. Allerdings können wir für die erste Charge des GPD Pocket 4 keine lokalisierten Tastaturen anbieten.
      Wir verstehen, dass eine native QWERTZ-Option für viele unserer deutschsprachigen Nutzer wünschenswert wäre. Wir ermutigen Sie, in der Zwischenzeit die Möglichkeit von hochwertigen Tastatur-Aufklebern in Betracht zu ziehen, um Ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
      Wir schätzen Ihr Verständnis und Ihre fortgesetzte Unterstützung. Bitte behalten Sie unsere offiziellen Kanäle im Auge für zukünftige Updates und Produktankündigungen. Ihre Rückmeldungen helfen uns, unsere Produkte kontinuierlich zu verbessern und den Bedürfnissen unserer vielfältigen Nutzerbasis gerecht zu werden.

      Thank you for your interest in the GPD Pocket 4 and your suggestion regarding a QWERTZ keyboard. We really appreciate your feedback. We would like to inform you about some important points regarding localized keyboards:
      Production Requirements: Making a localized keyboard layout such as QWERTZ or AZERTY requires a minimum production of about 1000 pieces. This poses a considerable challenge for us as a manufacturer.
      Alternative solution: As a viable alternative, we have found that using keyboard stickers with the correct layouts is an efficient solution. These allow users to get their preferred keyboard layout without us having to set up separate production lines.
      Future considerations: We take note of your proposal and will consider it for future production cycles. However, we can’t offer localized keyboards for the first batch of the GPD Pocket 4.

  20. Der Pocket 4 sieht wirklich vielversprechend aus! Auch ich würde mich jedoch über eine Qwertz Tastatur freuen. Man könnte dies ja als optionales addon verkaufen? Bei meinem WinMax2 habe ich auch einen 3rd party Hersteller gefunden, der eine QWERTZ Tastatur anbietet, funktioniert wunderbar. Es wäre toll, wenn es das auch von GPD direkt gäbe, damit man nicht auf Drittanbieter angewiesen ist.

  21. Der Pocket 4 sieht wirklich vielversprechend aus! Auch ich würde mich jedoch über eine Qwertz Tastatur freuen. Man könnte dies ja als optionales addon verkaufen? Bei meinem WinMax2 habe ich auch einen 3rd party Hersteller gefunden, der eine QWERTZ Tastatur anbietet, funktioniert wunderbar. Es wäre toll, wenn es das auch von GPD direkt gäbe, damit man nicht auf Drittanbieter angewiesen ist.

  22. Are bezels smaller? Previous models looked like a tablet attached to a keyboard.

    1. Once the Pocket 4 is finalised we will have more information on this.

  23. Are bezels smaller? Previous models looked like a tablet attached to a keyboard.

  24. Are bezels smaller? Previous models looked like a tablet attached to a keyboard.

  25. Does it come with any module pre-installed or are they all sold separately?

  26. Expect KVM modules to be sold separately, like it was with Pocket 3…


    Hi, I have a question about Color laptop pocket 4 is it the same color as the Pocket 3 or not looks likes Pocket 4 on photos have black Color ?

    1. The GPD Pocket 4 will have a slightly different colour. Should be similar to the Dark Grey of the P2 Max. We will upload a video once that is available.


    Hi, I have a question about Color laptop pocket 4 is it the same color as the Pocket 3 or not looks likes Pocket 4 on photos have black Color ?


    Hi, I have a question about Color laptop pocket 4 is it the same color as the Pocket 3 or not looks likes Pocket 4 on photos have black Color ?

  30. Will there be a version with analog sticks for those looking for a portable gaming device with the AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370?

    1. Not a version of the Pocket 4. But we expect the GPD WIN, MAX & Mini series to have this CPU in their next releases.

  31. Will there be a version with analog sticks for those looking for a portable gaming device with the AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370?

  32. Will there be a version with analog sticks for those looking for a portable gaming device with the AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370?

  33. I have no doubt that the KVM module will be separate, just curious if it will just be a blank plate, they show several other modules like a USB port, sim card, etc

    1. Nothing is confirmed yet, but we would expect it to have a single USB port module as standard.

  34. I have no doubt that the KVM module will be separate, just curious if it will just be a blank plate, they show several other modules like a USB port, sim card, etc

  35. I have no doubt that the KVM module will be separate, just curious if it will just be a blank plate, they show several other modules like a USB port, sim card, etc

  36. Charles Spencer

    Hi – will the Micro sd module be backwards compatible with the Pocket 3 ?

    1. We do not have this information yet as the hardware is not finalised. We will hope to have this answer soon.

  37. Charles Spencer

    Hi – will the Micro sd module be backwards compatible with the Pocket 3 ?

  38. Charles Spencer

    Hi – will the Micro sd module be backwards compatible with the Pocket 3 ?

  39. Charles Spencer

    Hi – will the micro sd module for.the GPD Pocket 4 br backeard compatible with the Pocket 3 ?

    1. I replied to your other comment. We do not have this information yet as the hardware is not finalised. We will hope to have this answer soon.

  40. Charles Spencer

    Hi – will the micro sd module for.the GPD Pocket 4 br backeard compatible with the Pocket 3 ?

  41. Charles Spencer

    Hi – will the micro sd module for.the GPD Pocket 4 br backeard compatible with the Pocket 3 ?

  42. hello
    According to the information published on the GPD website, the maximum amount of RAM was 32 GB.
    Is this true??
    Does this mean that this console does not support 64GB RAM?

    1. UPDATE: We can confirm that there will be 16GB and 32GB models, no 64GB (at least initially).

  43. hello
    According to the information published on the GPD website, the maximum amount of RAM was 32 GB.
    Is this true??
    Does this mean that this console does not support 64GB RAM?

  44. hello
    According to the information published on the GPD website, the maximum amount of RAM was 32 GB.
    Is this true??
    Does this mean that this console does not support 64GB RAM?

  45. When are you going to make it for me?

    Is the November release correct?

    It’s hard to wait

    Help me!!!

    1. The Pocket 4 will not be released in November. We expect the final specifications to be announced in November.

  46. When are you going to make it for me?

    Is the November release correct?

    It’s hard to wait

    Help me!!!

  47. When are you going to make it for me?

    Is the November release correct?

    It’s hard to wait

    Help me!!!

  48. I’m just wondering do you have more up to date information about Pocket 4? When is it going to be released?

    1. No official release date yet. We hope to have a sample unit to preview/review in November.

  49. I’m just wondering do you have more up to date information about Pocket 4? When is it going to be released?

  50. I’m just wondering do you have more up to date information about Pocket 4? When is it going to be released?

  51. Would love to run Flux in Amuse on this.

    24GB VRAM, 32GB RAM, 40GB Disk Space

    Is there an option to get 24GB VRAM on the GPD Pocket 4? What is the max amount i can get?

    I am currently in China and wonder when the it will be available to order?

    1. With the integrated GPU there is no dedicated VRAM and uses the main 32GB RAM for example. You could use an eGPU for this though.

  52. Would love to run Flux in Amuse on this.

    24GB VRAM, 32GB RAM, 40GB Disk Space

    Is there an option to get 24GB VRAM on the GPD Pocket 4? What is the max amount i can get?

    I am currently in China and wonder when the it will be available to order?

  53. Would love to run Flux in Amuse on this.

    24GB VRAM, 32GB RAM, 40GB Disk Space

    Is there an option to get 24GB VRAM on the GPD Pocket 4? What is the max amount i can get?

    I am currently in China and wonder when the it will be available to order?

  54. How much does it (GPD Pocket 4) weight? If it is really 1800g as is written in your specification than it must be very heavy for such relatively small device ?

    1. I could not see any mention of 1800g in the article. The weight has not been announced yet, but it will definitely be lower than 1kg.

  55. When will this be available?

    1. As mentioned in the last paragraph, no release date just yet. But we expect it by November or so.

  56. Actually, it does say 1800g on the sign-up page (link at the very end). It also says $2000 for 32gb 2tb and $2500 for 64gb. Perhaps these numbers are subject to change?

    1. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. We will be updating weight once we have more information and I have informed our team to hide it as we don’t know correct weight as of now.

  57. Crazy specs, but just rehashed design. Pass.

    1. Thank you for your feedback on the GPD Pocket 4. We understand that if you’re already using an older model with an Intel CPU, upgrading might not seem like a significant leap due to the design similarities.

      However, you might want to check out the upcoming GPD Duo, which offers a different approach with its dual-screen setup. The Duo features two 13.3-inch OLED displays that can be extended to provide an 18-inch viewing area. It’s powered by an AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor and offers impressive specs like up to 64GB of RAM and up to 16TB of storage. This makes it particularly appealing for multitasking and productivity, though it’s a bit larger and heavier than the Pocket series.

      If dual screens and enhanced performance appeal to you, the GPD Duo could be worth considering as your next device. Keep in mind that it’s designed with power users in mind, particularly those needing more screen real estate and processing power for demanding tasks​.

      Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions!

  58. I own a GPD Pocket 3 with the i7 11th gen for more than 2 years.
    Great Pocket PC !
    I use it as my desktop replacement for everything but gaming hooked to an eGPU RX6700XT and 2x4K 60Hz screens.
    + the benefit of its tiny form factor as EDC.
    Solid all Alu construction and hardware specs.
    I recommend its replacement with that great new AMD ships that will allow much better gaming and emulation performances.

    1. The AMD processor will give it an amazing boost in CPU performance, especially when using it with an eGPU. And the great thing is you can continue using the eGPU with the new model.

  59. I believe this one utilizes the Strix Point APU. Will a Strix Halo version of this form factor be released? Like maybe one of the LP variants or one with a lower tiered GPU(maybe the 20 or 24 CU variants)? I also heard there would be an LP 32 CU variant, but I think that would be pushing it’s power limits and really shorten the battery life. Given AMD’s power settings versatility, it would be nice to have a Strix Halo variant with this exact form factor. So much power in such a small and mobile form factor.

    1. Thank you for your interest in the GPD Pocket 4 and potential future variants. You’re correct that the current GPD Pocket 4 utilizes the AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor, which is part of the Strix Point APU family.

      Regarding a potential Strix Halo version in this form factor, there’s currently no official announcement from GPD about such a variant. However, your interest in different GPU configurations is well-founded, as AMD has reportedly pitched various Strix Halo SKUs to OEMs, including lower-power options.

      The Strix Halo APUs are expected to be released in 2025, while Strix Point is a 2024 product. Given the GPD Pocket series’ history of adopting cutting-edge processors, it’s possible that future iterations might incorporate Strix Halo variants, but this is speculative at this point. You’re right to consider power consumption and battery life. The current GPD Pocket 4 has a 44.8Wh battery offering up to 9 hours of video playback. A Strix Halo variant, especially with higher CU counts, would likely require careful power management to maintain similar battery life in this compact form factor. AMD’s configurable TDP options do indeed offer flexibility, which could potentially allow for a Strix Halo variant in a similar form factor. However, the thermal design and power delivery would need to be carefully balanced to maintain performance and battery life.For now, the GPD Pocket 4 with its Strix Point APU offers a significant performance boost over previous generations.

      We’ll have to wait for official announcements regarding any future Strix Halo-based models in this form factor. Keep an eye on GPD’s official channels for any updates on future products. If you have specific performance needs, I’d be happy to discuss how the current GPD Pocket 4 might meet those requirements.

  60. So, the power button still not accessible in tablet mode?

    1. The power button is on the front right side, you will be able to access it in laptop and tablet modes.

  61. Why does the Windows key still have the Windows 10 logo instead of the Windows 11 logo? I noticed that the GPD Duo has the Windows 11 logo. Will this be updated before release?

    1. Asking the important questions there.

      I kinda wished they replaced with their own logo or a stylised “S” since it is also know as the Super key

  62. Great looking design and good hardware choice.

    Been looking for something like this for a while but wanted to ask if an ARM variant like Snapdragon was also a possibility as the efficiency would skyrocket?

    1. Its something we could see in the future for definite. These mobile processors are becoming very high performance now.

  63. Hallo,
    gibt es das Teil auch mal mit einer QUERTZ-Tastatur, ich wär schon ganz scharf drauf?

  64. Leider gibt es nur eine QWERTY-Tastatur

  65. Count me out, at that price point i wont be wasting money on a pocket size PC.

    1. As mentioned on the product page. The price is a placeholder based on our rough estimate for the configuration. When pre-orders are live we will use the final price. The Pocket 4 may not be for everyone, there are different sized GPD models to suit everyone’s requirements, even a dual screen laptop (GPD Duo) coming soon.

  66. du meinst wohl nur QWERTY?

    1. Ja, nur QWERTY

  67. finally an AMD mini laptop to slap on linux and have as my daily driver.
    Where do i subscribe for release date?

    1. On the product page at there is a Get Notified button, enter your email there and we will contact when pre-orders are available. Thanks.

    2. On the product page at there is a Get Notified button, enter your email there and we will contact when pre-orders are available. Thanks.

  68. finally an AMD mini laptop to slap on linux and have as my daily driver.
    Where do i subscribe for release date?

    1. On the product page at there is a Get Notified button, enter your email there and we will contact when pre-orders are available. Thanks.

  69. Does this have bypass charging? Meaning when it’s connected to the outlet using the adapter, it would not draw power from the battery?

    1. Thank you for your question about bypass charging on the GPD Pocket 4. While the full technical specifications have not yet been released, bypass charging (also known as pass-through charging) is a common feature in many modern laptops and portable devices. This feature allows the device to run directly off AC power when plugged in, without drawing from or charging the battery.
      However, we don’t have official confirmation from GPD about this specific feature for the Pocket 4 model. Given its focus on portability and productivity, it would be a logical inclusion, but we can’t say for certain at this time.
      Once more detailed specifications are available closer to the release date, we’ll be able to provide a definitive answer about bypass charging support. In the meantime, I’d recommend to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on product releases.

    2. Thank you for your question about bypass charging on the GPD Pocket 4. While the full technical specifications have not yet been released, bypass charging (also known as pass-through charging) is a common feature in many modern laptops and portable devices. This feature allows the device to run directly off AC power when plugged in, without drawing from or charging the battery.
      However, we don’t have official confirmation from GPD about this specific feature for the Pocket 4 model. Given its focus on portability and productivity, it would be a logical inclusion, but we can’t say for certain at this time.
      Once more detailed specifications are available closer to the release date, we’ll be able to provide a definitive answer about bypass charging support. In the meantime, I’d recommend to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on product releases.

  70. Does this have bypass charging? Meaning when it’s connected to the outlet using the adapter, it would not draw power from the battery?

    1. Thank you for your question about bypass charging on the GPD Pocket 4. While the full technical specifications have not yet been released, bypass charging (also known as pass-through charging) is a common feature in many modern laptops and portable devices. This feature allows the device to run directly off AC power when plugged in, without drawing from or charging the battery.
      However, we don’t have official confirmation from GPD about this specific feature for the Pocket 4 model. Given its focus on portability and productivity, it would be a logical inclusion, but we can’t say for certain at this time.
      Once more detailed specifications are available closer to the release date, we’ll be able to provide a definitive answer about bypass charging support. In the meantime, I’d recommend to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on product releases.

  71. Der Pocket 4 sieht wirklich vielversprechend aus! Auch ich würde mich jedoch über eine Qwertz Tastatur freuen. Man könnte dies ja als optionales addon verkaufen? Bei meinem WinMax2 habe ich auch einen 3rd party Hersteller gefunden, der eine QWERTZ Tastatur anbietet, funktioniert wunderbar. Es wäre toll, wenn es das auch von GPD direkt gäbe, damit man nicht auf Drittanbieter angewiesen ist.

    1. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse am GPD Pocket 4 und Ihren Vorschlag bezüglich einer QWERTZ-Tastatur. Wir schätzen Ihr Feedback sehr.
      Wir möchten Sie über einige wichtige Punkte bezüglich lokalisierter Tastaturen informieren:
      Produktionsanforderungen: Die Herstellung einer lokalisierten Tastaturlayout wie QWERTZ oder AZERTY erfordert eine Mindestproduktion von etwa 1000 Stück. Dies stellt für uns als Hersteller eine erhebliche Herausforderung dar.
      Alternative Lösung: Als praktikable Alternative haben wir festgestellt, dass die Verwendung von Tastatur-Aufklebern mit den korrekten Layouts eine effiziente Lösung darstellt. Diese ermöglichen es den Nutzern, ihre bevorzugte Tastaturbelegung zu erhalten, ohne dass wir separate Produktionslinien einrichten müssen.
      Zukünftige Überlegungen: Wir nehmen Ihren Vorschlag zur Kenntnis und werden ihn für zukünftige Produktionszyklen in Betracht ziehen. Allerdings können wir für die erste Charge des GPD Pocket 4 keine lokalisierten Tastaturen anbieten.
      Wir verstehen, dass eine native QWERTZ-Option für viele unserer deutschsprachigen Nutzer wünschenswert wäre. Wir ermutigen Sie, in der Zwischenzeit die Möglichkeit von hochwertigen Tastatur-Aufklebern in Betracht zu ziehen, um Ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
      Wir schätzen Ihr Verständnis und Ihre fortgesetzte Unterstützung. Bitte behalten Sie unsere offiziellen Kanäle im Auge für zukünftige Updates und Produktankündigungen. Ihre Rückmeldungen helfen uns, unsere Produkte kontinuierlich zu verbessern und den Bedürfnissen unserer vielfältigen Nutzerbasis gerecht zu werden.

      Thank you for your interest in the GPD Pocket 4 and your suggestion regarding a QWERTZ keyboard. We really appreciate your feedback. We would like to inform you about some important points regarding localized keyboards:
      Production Requirements: Making a localized keyboard layout such as QWERTZ or AZERTY requires a minimum production of about 1000 pieces. This poses a considerable challenge for us as a manufacturer.
      Alternative solution: As a viable alternative, we have found that using keyboard stickers with the correct layouts is an efficient solution. These allow users to get their preferred keyboard layout without us having to set up separate production lines.
      Future considerations: We take note of your proposal and will consider it for future production cycles. However, we can’t offer localized keyboards for the first batch of the GPD Pocket 4.

    2. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse am GPD Pocket 4 und Ihren Vorschlag bezüglich einer QWERTZ-Tastatur. Wir schätzen Ihr Feedback sehr.
      Wir möchten Sie über einige wichtige Punkte bezüglich lokalisierter Tastaturen informieren:
      Produktionsanforderungen: Die Herstellung einer lokalisierten Tastaturlayout wie QWERTZ oder AZERTY erfordert eine Mindestproduktion von etwa 1000 Stück. Dies stellt für uns als Hersteller eine erhebliche Herausforderung dar.
      Alternative Lösung: Als praktikable Alternative haben wir festgestellt, dass die Verwendung von Tastatur-Aufklebern mit den korrekten Layouts eine effiziente Lösung darstellt. Diese ermöglichen es den Nutzern, ihre bevorzugte Tastaturbelegung zu erhalten, ohne dass wir separate Produktionslinien einrichten müssen.
      Zukünftige Überlegungen: Wir nehmen Ihren Vorschlag zur Kenntnis und werden ihn für zukünftige Produktionszyklen in Betracht ziehen. Allerdings können wir für die erste Charge des GPD Pocket 4 keine lokalisierten Tastaturen anbieten.
      Wir verstehen, dass eine native QWERTZ-Option für viele unserer deutschsprachigen Nutzer wünschenswert wäre. Wir ermutigen Sie, in der Zwischenzeit die Möglichkeit von hochwertigen Tastatur-Aufklebern in Betracht zu ziehen, um Ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
      Wir schätzen Ihr Verständnis und Ihre fortgesetzte Unterstützung. Bitte behalten Sie unsere offiziellen Kanäle im Auge für zukünftige Updates und Produktankündigungen. Ihre Rückmeldungen helfen uns, unsere Produkte kontinuierlich zu verbessern und den Bedürfnissen unserer vielfältigen Nutzerbasis gerecht zu werden.

      Thank you for your interest in the GPD Pocket 4 and your suggestion regarding a QWERTZ keyboard. We really appreciate your feedback. We would like to inform you about some important points regarding localized keyboards:
      Production Requirements: Making a localized keyboard layout such as QWERTZ or AZERTY requires a minimum production of about 1000 pieces. This poses a considerable challenge for us as a manufacturer.
      Alternative solution: As a viable alternative, we have found that using keyboard stickers with the correct layouts is an efficient solution. These allow users to get their preferred keyboard layout without us having to set up separate production lines.
      Future considerations: We take note of your proposal and will consider it for future production cycles. However, we can’t offer localized keyboards for the first batch of the GPD Pocket 4.

  72. Der Pocket 4 sieht wirklich vielversprechend aus! Auch ich würde mich jedoch über eine Qwertz Tastatur freuen. Man könnte dies ja als optionales addon verkaufen? Bei meinem WinMax2 habe ich auch einen 3rd party Hersteller gefunden, der eine QWERTZ Tastatur anbietet, funktioniert wunderbar. Es wäre toll, wenn es das auch von GPD direkt gäbe, damit man nicht auf Drittanbieter angewiesen ist.

    1. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse am GPD Pocket 4 und Ihren Vorschlag bezüglich einer QWERTZ-Tastatur. Wir schätzen Ihr Feedback sehr.
      Wir möchten Sie über einige wichtige Punkte bezüglich lokalisierter Tastaturen informieren:
      Produktionsanforderungen: Die Herstellung einer lokalisierten Tastaturlayout wie QWERTZ oder AZERTY erfordert eine Mindestproduktion von etwa 1000 Stück. Dies stellt für uns als Hersteller eine erhebliche Herausforderung dar.
      Alternative Lösung: Als praktikable Alternative haben wir festgestellt, dass die Verwendung von Tastatur-Aufklebern mit den korrekten Layouts eine effiziente Lösung darstellt. Diese ermöglichen es den Nutzern, ihre bevorzugte Tastaturbelegung zu erhalten, ohne dass wir separate Produktionslinien einrichten müssen.
      Zukünftige Überlegungen: Wir nehmen Ihren Vorschlag zur Kenntnis und werden ihn für zukünftige Produktionszyklen in Betracht ziehen. Allerdings können wir für die erste Charge des GPD Pocket 4 keine lokalisierten Tastaturen anbieten.
      Wir verstehen, dass eine native QWERTZ-Option für viele unserer deutschsprachigen Nutzer wünschenswert wäre. Wir ermutigen Sie, in der Zwischenzeit die Möglichkeit von hochwertigen Tastatur-Aufklebern in Betracht zu ziehen, um Ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen.
      Wir schätzen Ihr Verständnis und Ihre fortgesetzte Unterstützung. Bitte behalten Sie unsere offiziellen Kanäle im Auge für zukünftige Updates und Produktankündigungen. Ihre Rückmeldungen helfen uns, unsere Produkte kontinuierlich zu verbessern und den Bedürfnissen unserer vielfältigen Nutzerbasis gerecht zu werden.

      Thank you for your interest in the GPD Pocket 4 and your suggestion regarding a QWERTZ keyboard. We really appreciate your feedback. We would like to inform you about some important points regarding localized keyboards:
      Production Requirements: Making a localized keyboard layout such as QWERTZ or AZERTY requires a minimum production of about 1000 pieces. This poses a considerable challenge for us as a manufacturer.
      Alternative solution: As a viable alternative, we have found that using keyboard stickers with the correct layouts is an efficient solution. These allow users to get their preferred keyboard layout without us having to set up separate production lines.
      Future considerations: We take note of your proposal and will consider it for future production cycles. However, we can’t offer localized keyboards for the first batch of the GPD Pocket 4.

  73. Are bezels smaller? Previous models looked like a tablet attached to a keyboard.

    1. Once the Pocket 4 is finalised we will have more information on this.

    2. Once the Pocket 4 is finalised we will have more information on this.

  74. Are bezels smaller? Previous models looked like a tablet attached to a keyboard.

    1. Once the Pocket 4 is finalised we will have more information on this.

  75. Does it come with any module pre-installed or are they all sold separately?

  76. Expect KVM modules to be sold separately, like it was with Pocket 3…


    Hi, I have a question about Color laptop pocket 4 is it the same color as the Pocket 3 or not looks likes Pocket 4 on photos have black Color ?

    1. The GPD Pocket 4 will have a slightly different colour. Should be similar to the Dark Grey of the P2 Max. We will upload a video once that is available.

    2. The GPD Pocket 4 will have a slightly different colour. Should be similar to the Dark Grey of the P2 Max. We will upload a video once that is available.


    Hi, I have a question about Color laptop pocket 4 is it the same color as the Pocket 3 or not looks likes Pocket 4 on photos have black Color ?

    1. The GPD Pocket 4 will have a slightly different colour. Should be similar to the Dark Grey of the P2 Max. We will upload a video once that is available.

  79. Will there be a version with analog sticks for those looking for a portable gaming device with the AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370?

    1. Not a version of the Pocket 4. But we expect the GPD WIN, MAX & Mini series to have this CPU in their next releases.

    2. Not a version of the Pocket 4. But we expect the GPD WIN, MAX & Mini series to have this CPU in their next releases.

  80. Will there be a version with analog sticks for those looking for a portable gaming device with the AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370?

    1. Not a version of the Pocket 4. But we expect the GPD WIN, MAX & Mini series to have this CPU in their next releases.

  81. I have no doubt that the KVM module will be separate, just curious if it will just be a blank plate, they show several other modules like a USB port, sim card, etc

    1. Nothing is confirmed yet, but we would expect it to have a single USB port module as standard.

    2. Nothing is confirmed yet, but we would expect it to have a single USB port module as standard.

  82. I have no doubt that the KVM module will be separate, just curious if it will just be a blank plate, they show several other modules like a USB port, sim card, etc

    1. Nothing is confirmed yet, but we would expect it to have a single USB port module as standard.

  83. Charles Spencer

    Hi – will the Micro sd module be backwards compatible with the Pocket 3 ?

    1. We do not have this information yet as the hardware is not finalised. We will hope to have this answer soon.

    2. We do not have this information yet as the hardware is not finalised. We will hope to have this answer soon.

  84. Charles Spencer

    Hi – will the Micro sd module be backwards compatible with the Pocket 3 ?

    1. We do not have this information yet as the hardware is not finalised. We will hope to have this answer soon.

  85. Charles Spencer

    Hi – will the micro sd module for.the GPD Pocket 4 br backeard compatible with the Pocket 3 ?

    1. I replied to your other comment. We do not have this information yet as the hardware is not finalised. We will hope to have this answer soon.

    2. I replied to your other comment. We do not have this information yet as the hardware is not finalised. We will hope to have this answer soon.

  86. Charles Spencer

    Hi – will the micro sd module for.the GPD Pocket 4 br backeard compatible with the Pocket 3 ?

    1. I replied to your other comment. We do not have this information yet as the hardware is not finalised. We will hope to have this answer soon.

  87. hello
    According to the information published on the GPD website, the maximum amount of RAM was 32 GB.
    Is this true??
    Does this mean that this console does not support 64GB RAM?

    1. UPDATE: We can confirm that there will be 16GB and 32GB models, no 64GB (at least initially).

    2. UPDATE: We can confirm that there will be 16GB and 32GB models, no 64GB (at least initially).

  88. hello
    According to the information published on the GPD website, the maximum amount of RAM was 32 GB.
    Is this true??
    Does this mean that this console does not support 64GB RAM?

    1. UPDATE: We can confirm that there will be 16GB and 32GB models, no 64GB (at least initially).

  89. When are you going to make it for me?

    Is the November release correct?

    It’s hard to wait

    Help me!!!

    1. The Pocket 4 will not be released in November. We expect the final specifications to be announced in November.

    2. The Pocket 4 will not be released in November. We expect the final specifications to be announced in November.

  90. When are you going to make it for me?

    Is the November release correct?

    It’s hard to wait

    Help me!!!

    1. The Pocket 4 will not be released in November. We expect the final specifications to be announced in November.

  91. I’m just wondering do you have more up to date information about Pocket 4? When is it going to be released?

    1. No official release date yet. We hope to have a sample unit to preview/review in November.

    2. No official release date yet. We hope to have a sample unit to preview/review in November.

  92. I’m just wondering do you have more up to date information about Pocket 4? When is it going to be released?

    1. No official release date yet. We hope to have a sample unit to preview/review in November.

  93. Would love to run Flux in Amuse on this.

    24GB VRAM, 32GB RAM, 40GB Disk Space

    Is there an option to get 24GB VRAM on the GPD Pocket 4? What is the max amount i can get?

    I am currently in China and wonder when the it will be available to order?

    1. With the integrated GPU there is no dedicated VRAM and uses the main 32GB RAM for example. You could use an eGPU for this though.

    2. With the integrated GPU there is no dedicated VRAM and uses the main 32GB RAM for example. You could use an eGPU for this though.

  94. Would love to run Flux in Amuse on this.

    24GB VRAM, 32GB RAM, 40GB Disk Space

    Is there an option to get 24GB VRAM on the GPD Pocket 4? What is the max amount i can get?

    I am currently in China and wonder when the it will be available to order?

    1. With the integrated GPU there is no dedicated VRAM and uses the main 32GB RAM for example. You could use an eGPU for this though.

  95. Great looking design and good hardware choice.

    Been looking for something like this for a while but wanted to ask if an ARM variant like Snapdragon was also a possibility as the efficiency would skyrocket?

  96. Hallo,
    gibt es das Teil auch mal mit einer QUERTZ-Tastatur, ich wär schon ganz scharf drauf?

  97. Leider gibt es nur eine QWERTY-Tastatur

  98. Does it come with any module pre-installed or are they all sold separately?

  99. Expect KVM modules to be sold separately, like it was with Pocket 3…

  100. Expect KVM modules to be sold separately, like it was with Pocket 3…

  101. Does it come with any module pre-installed or are they all sold separately?

  102. du meinst wohl nur QWERTY?

  103. Leider gibt es nur eine QWERTY-Tastatur

  104. Hallo,
    gibt es das Teil auch mal mit einer QUERTZ-Tastatur, ich wär schon ganz scharf drauf?

  105. I believe this one utilizes the Strix Point APU. Will a Strix Halo version of this form factor be released? Like maybe one of the LP variants or one with a lower tiered GPU(maybe the 20 or 24 CU variants)? I also heard there would be an LP 32 CU variant, but I think that would be pushing it’s power limits and really shorten the battery life. Given AMD’s power settings versatility, it would be nice to have a Strix Halo variant with this exact form factor. So much power in such a small and mobile form factor.

  106. I own a GPD Pocket 3 with the i7 11th gen for more than 2 years.
    Great Pocket PC !
    I use it as my desktop replacement for everything but gaming hooked to an eGPU RX6700XT and 2x4K 60Hz screens.
    + the benefit of its tiny form factor as EDC.
    Solid all Alu construction and hardware specs.
    I recommend its replacement with that great new AMD ships that will allow much better gaming and emulation performances.

  107. Crazy specs, but just rehashed design. Pass.

  108. Actually, it does say 1800g on the sign-up page (link at the very end). It also says $2000 for 32gb 2tb and $2500 for 64gb. Perhaps these numbers are subject to change?

  109. How much does it (GPD Pocket 4) weight? If it is really 1800g as is written in your specification than it must be very heavy for such relatively small device ?

  110. When will this be available?

  111. Why does the Windows key still have the Windows 10 logo instead of the Windows 11 logo? I noticed that the GPD Duo has the Windows 11 logo. Will this be updated before release?

  112. I could not see any mention of 1800g in the article. The weight has not been announced yet, but it will definitely be lower than 1kg.

  113. I could not see any mention of 1800g in the article. The weight has not been announced yet, but it will definitely be lower than 1kg.

  114. As mentioned in the last paragraph, no release date just yet. But we expect it by November or so.

  115. As mentioned in the last paragraph, no release date just yet. But we expect it by November or so.

  116. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. We will be updating weight once we have more information and I have informed our team to hide it as we don’t know correct weight as of now.

  117. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. We will be updating weight once we have more information and I have informed our team to hide it as we don’t know correct weight as of now.

  118. Thank you for your feedback on the GPD Pocket 4. We understand that if you’re already using an older model with an Intel CPU, upgrading might not seem like a significant leap due to the design similarities.

    However, you might want to check out the upcoming GPD Duo, which offers a different approach with its dual-screen setup. The Duo features two 13.3-inch OLED displays that can be extended to provide an 18-inch viewing area. It’s powered by an AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor and offers impressive specs like up to 64GB of RAM and up to 16TB of storage. This makes it particularly appealing for multitasking and productivity, though it’s a bit larger and heavier than the Pocket series.

    If dual screens and enhanced performance appeal to you, the GPD Duo could be worth considering as your next device. Keep in mind that it’s designed with power users in mind, particularly those needing more screen real estate and processing power for demanding tasks​.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions!

  119. Thank you for your feedback on the GPD Pocket 4. We understand that if you’re already using an older model with an Intel CPU, upgrading might not seem like a significant leap due to the design similarities.

    However, you might want to check out the upcoming GPD Duo, which offers a different approach with its dual-screen setup. The Duo features two 13.3-inch OLED displays that can be extended to provide an 18-inch viewing area. It’s powered by an AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor and offers impressive specs like up to 64GB of RAM and up to 16TB of storage. This makes it particularly appealing for multitasking and productivity, though it’s a bit larger and heavier than the Pocket series.

    If dual screens and enhanced performance appeal to you, the GPD Duo could be worth considering as your next device. Keep in mind that it’s designed with power users in mind, particularly those needing more screen real estate and processing power for demanding tasks​.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions!

  120. The AMD processor will give it an amazing boost in CPU performance, especially when using it with an eGPU. And the great thing is you can continue using the eGPU with the new model.

  121. The AMD processor will give it an amazing boost in CPU performance, especially when using it with an eGPU. And the great thing is you can continue using the eGPU with the new model.

  122. Thank you for your interest in the GPD Pocket 4 and potential future variants. You’re correct that the current GPD Pocket 4 utilizes the AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor, which is part of the Strix Point APU family.

    Regarding a potential Strix Halo version in this form factor, there’s currently no official announcement from GPD about such a variant. However, your interest in different GPU configurations is well-founded, as AMD has reportedly pitched various Strix Halo SKUs to OEMs, including lower-power options.

    The Strix Halo APUs are expected to be released in 2025, while Strix Point is a 2024 product. Given the GPD Pocket series’ history of adopting cutting-edge processors, it’s possible that future iterations might incorporate Strix Halo variants, but this is speculative at this point. You’re right to consider power consumption and battery life. The current GPD Pocket 4 has a 44.8Wh battery offering up to 9 hours of video playback. A Strix Halo variant, especially with higher CU counts, would likely require careful power management to maintain similar battery life in this compact form factor. AMD’s configurable TDP options do indeed offer flexibility, which could potentially allow for a Strix Halo variant in a similar form factor. However, the thermal design and power delivery would need to be carefully balanced to maintain performance and battery life.For now, the GPD Pocket 4 with its Strix Point APU offers a significant performance boost over previous generations.

    We’ll have to wait for official announcements regarding any future Strix Halo-based models in this form factor. Keep an eye on GPD’s official channels for any updates on future products. If you have specific performance needs, I’d be happy to discuss how the current GPD Pocket 4 might meet those requirements.

  123. Thank you for your interest in the GPD Pocket 4 and potential future variants. You’re correct that the current GPD Pocket 4 utilizes the AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor, which is part of the Strix Point APU family.

    Regarding a potential Strix Halo version in this form factor, there’s currently no official announcement from GPD about such a variant. However, your interest in different GPU configurations is well-founded, as AMD has reportedly pitched various Strix Halo SKUs to OEMs, including lower-power options.

    The Strix Halo APUs are expected to be released in 2025, while Strix Point is a 2024 product. Given the GPD Pocket series’ history of adopting cutting-edge processors, it’s possible that future iterations might incorporate Strix Halo variants, but this is speculative at this point. You’re right to consider power consumption and battery life. The current GPD Pocket 4 has a 44.8Wh battery offering up to 9 hours of video playback. A Strix Halo variant, especially with higher CU counts, would likely require careful power management to maintain similar battery life in this compact form factor. AMD’s configurable TDP options do indeed offer flexibility, which could potentially allow for a Strix Halo variant in a similar form factor. However, the thermal design and power delivery would need to be carefully balanced to maintain performance and battery life.For now, the GPD Pocket 4 with its Strix Point APU offers a significant performance boost over previous generations.

    We’ll have to wait for official announcements regarding any future Strix Halo-based models in this form factor. Keep an eye on GPD’s official channels for any updates on future products. If you have specific performance needs, I’d be happy to discuss how the current GPD Pocket 4 might meet those requirements.

  124. The power button is on the front right side, you will be able to access it in laptop and tablet modes.

  125. The power button is on the front right side, you will be able to access it in laptop and tablet modes.

  126. Asking the important questions there.

    I kinda wished they replaced with their own logo or a stylised “S” since it is also know as the Super key

  127. Asking the important questions there.

    I kinda wished they replaced with their own logo or a stylised “S” since it is also know as the Super key

  128. Its something we could see in the future for definite. These mobile processors are becoming very high performance now.

  129. Its something we could see in the future for definite. These mobile processors are becoming very high performance now.

  130. As mentioned on the product page. The price is a placeholder based on our rough estimate for the configuration. When pre-orders are live we will use the final price. The Pocket 4 may not be for everyone, there are different sized GPD models to suit everyone’s requirements, even a dual screen laptop (GPD Duo) coming soon.

  131. As mentioned on the product page. The price is a placeholder based on our rough estimate for the configuration. When pre-orders are live we will use the final price. The Pocket 4 may not be for everyone, there are different sized GPD models to suit everyone’s requirements, even a dual screen laptop (GPD Duo) coming soon.

  132. Ja, nur QWERTY

  133. Ja, nur QWERTY

  134. Ja, nur QWERTY

  135. As mentioned on the product page. The price is a placeholder based on our rough estimate for the configuration. When pre-orders are live we will use the final price. The Pocket 4 may not be for everyone, there are different sized GPD models to suit everyone’s requirements, even a dual screen laptop (GPD Duo) coming soon.

  136. Its something we could see in the future for definite. These mobile processors are becoming very high performance now.

  137. Asking the important questions there.

    I kinda wished they replaced with their own logo or a stylised “S” since it is also know as the Super key

  138. The power button is on the front right side, you will be able to access it in laptop and tablet modes.

  139. Thank you for your interest in the GPD Pocket 4 and potential future variants. You’re correct that the current GPD Pocket 4 utilizes the AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor, which is part of the Strix Point APU family.

    Regarding a potential Strix Halo version in this form factor, there’s currently no official announcement from GPD about such a variant. However, your interest in different GPU configurations is well-founded, as AMD has reportedly pitched various Strix Halo SKUs to OEMs, including lower-power options.

    The Strix Halo APUs are expected to be released in 2025, while Strix Point is a 2024 product. Given the GPD Pocket series’ history of adopting cutting-edge processors, it’s possible that future iterations might incorporate Strix Halo variants, but this is speculative at this point. You’re right to consider power consumption and battery life. The current GPD Pocket 4 has a 44.8Wh battery offering up to 9 hours of video playback. A Strix Halo variant, especially with higher CU counts, would likely require careful power management to maintain similar battery life in this compact form factor. AMD’s configurable TDP options do indeed offer flexibility, which could potentially allow for a Strix Halo variant in a similar form factor. However, the thermal design and power delivery would need to be carefully balanced to maintain performance and battery life.For now, the GPD Pocket 4 with its Strix Point APU offers a significant performance boost over previous generations.

    We’ll have to wait for official announcements regarding any future Strix Halo-based models in this form factor. Keep an eye on GPD’s official channels for any updates on future products. If you have specific performance needs, I’d be happy to discuss how the current GPD Pocket 4 might meet those requirements.

  140. The AMD processor will give it an amazing boost in CPU performance, especially when using it with an eGPU. And the great thing is you can continue using the eGPU with the new model.

  141. Thank you for your feedback on the GPD Pocket 4. We understand that if you’re already using an older model with an Intel CPU, upgrading might not seem like a significant leap due to the design similarities.

    However, you might want to check out the upcoming GPD Duo, which offers a different approach with its dual-screen setup. The Duo features two 13.3-inch OLED displays that can be extended to provide an 18-inch viewing area. It’s powered by an AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processor and offers impressive specs like up to 64GB of RAM and up to 16TB of storage. This makes it particularly appealing for multitasking and productivity, though it’s a bit larger and heavier than the Pocket series.

    If dual screens and enhanced performance appeal to you, the GPD Duo could be worth considering as your next device. Keep in mind that it’s designed with power users in mind, particularly those needing more screen real estate and processing power for demanding tasks​.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions!

  142. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. We will be updating weight once we have more information and I have informed our team to hide it as we don’t know correct weight as of now.

  143. As mentioned in the last paragraph, no release date just yet. But we expect it by November or so.

  144. I could not see any mention of 1800g in the article. The weight has not been announced yet, but it will definitely be lower than 1kg.

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