GPD WIN MAX 2021 igralni ročni računalnik

  • AMD Ryzen 7 6800U @2,7 GHz TDP 15-28 W
  • AMD Radeon 680M 12 enot @2200 MHz
  • do 32 GB LPDDR5-6400 MT/s
  • do 2 TB hitrega SSD PCI-E NVMe
  • Podpora za WiFi 6 in Bluetooth 5.2
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Organizira DroiX, uradni distributer GPD, pošiljamo z DHL Express DDP (Delivered Duty Paid). To pomeni: Express DDP (Delivered Duty Paid). To pomeni:
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  • 1x GPD WIN MAX 2021
  • 1x napajalnik
  • 1x kabel USB tipa C
  • 1x uporabniški priročnik

Starting at 1.174,77 


Brezplačna dostava po vsem svetu za vsa naročila nad 250 $

  • 30 dni enostavno vrača
  • Podpira DroiX
  • Naročite pred 14.30 za odpremo v istem dnevu

GPD WIN MAX 2021 je igričarski ultrabook, ki je bil zasnovan za igranje računalniških iger na poti. Ta zmogljiva naprava je na voljo v dveh različicah, ena s procesorjem Intel® Core™ i7-1195G7, druga pa s procesorjem AMD Ryzen™ 7 4800U. Razen različnih možnosti procesorjev sta obe različici naprave popolnoma enaki.

V trgovini GPD Store ponosno ponujamo GPD WIN MAX 2021 igralcem, ki želijo visoko zmogljiv ročni računalnik za igranje računalniških iger, ki ga lahko vzamejo s seboj kamor koli. Ta ultrabook je kot nalašč za igralce, ki želijo uživati v svojih najljubših igrah na poti, ne da bi pri tem žrtvovali zmogljivost ali kakovost.

GPD WIN MAX 2021 je zmogljiv igričarski ultrabook z 8,0-palčnim zaslonom IPS na dotik z ločljivostjo 1280 x 800 pik. Naprava ima vgrajeno grafično kartico Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics ali AMD Radeon™ Graphics, zato je popolna za poganjanje zahtevnih iger in aplikacij.

Kar zadeva procesorsko moč, je GPD WIN MAX 2021 na voljo s procesorjem Intel® Core™ i7-1195G7 ali AMD Ryzen™ 7 4800U. Ta zmogljiva procesorja zagotavljata, da naprava zlahka obvlada tudi najzahtevnejše igre in aplikacije.

GPD WIN MAX 2021 ima tudi 16 GB LPDDR4X 4266 MT/s RAM-a in 1 TB M.2 NVMe SSD-ja, kar zagotavlja veliko prostora za shranjevanje iger in drugih podatkov. Naprava ima tudi številne vhode, vključno z vhodom USB Type-C, vhodom USB 3.0, vhodom HDMI in 3,5-milimetrskim priključkom za slušalke.

Ena od glavnih značilnosti naprave GPD WIN MAX 2021 je njena kompaktna velikost. Kljub temu da gre za zmogljiv ultrabook, naprava meri le 8,5 x 5,7 x 1,1 palca in tehta le 1,5 kilograma. Zaradi tega jo lahko preprosto vzamete s seboj, kamor koli greste, ne glede na to, ali potujete ali pa želite uživati v svojih najljubših igrah, medtem ko ležite na kavču.

GPD WIN MAX 2021 ima vgrajen tudi igralni krmilnik z D-padom, analognima palicama in sprožilnimi gumbi. Tako lahko preprosto igrate svoje najljubše igre, ne da bi morali priključiti zunanji krmilnik. Naprava ima tudi polno tipkovnico QWERTY, ki olajša tipkanje in navigacijo po menijih.

V trgovini GPD Store menimo, da je GPD WIN MAX 2021 popoln ultrabook za igralce, ki želijo visokozmogljiv prenosni računalnik za igranje iger, ki ga lahko vzamejo s seboj kamor koli. Ta zmogljiva naprava je kot nalašč za igralce, ki želijo uživati v svojih najljubših igrah na poti, ne da bi pri tem žrtvovali zmogljivost ali kakovost.

GPD WIN MAX 2021 je popolna naprava za vas, ne glede na to, ali ste običajni ali zagrizen igralec iger. Z zmogljivim procesorjem, visokokakovostno grafiko in kompaktno velikostjo je najboljši ultrabook za igranje računalniških iger na poti. Zakaj bi torej čakali? Še danes obiščite trgovino GPD Store in si priskrbite GPD WIN MAX 2021.

Dodatne podrobnosti

Teža 1550 g
Dimenzije 23,5 × 23,5 × 8 cm
Operacijski sistem: Brez izbire

Windows 11 Home

Procesor (CPU) Blagovna znamka: Brez izbire

AMD, Intel

Model procesorja (CPU): Brez izbire


Procesor (CPU) Jedra / niti: Brez izbire

4 jedra / 8 niti, 8 jeder / 16 niti

Osnovna frekvenca procesorja (CPU): Brez izbire

1,30 GHz, 1,80 GHz

Procesor (CPU) Največja frekvenca: Brez izbire

Do 5,00 GHz, Do 4,20 GHz

Procesor (CPU) TDP: Brez izbire

10-25W, 12-28W

Blagovna znamka grafičnih procesorjev (GPU): Brez izbire

AMD, Intel

Grafični (GPU) model: Brez izbire


Grafika (GPU) Največja frekvenca: Brez izbire

1400Mhz, 1750Mhz

Vrsta zaslona: Brez izbire

Ločljivost zaslona / PPI: Brez izbire

1280*800 @ 188 PPI

Zmogljivost pomnilnika (RAM): Brez izbire

Tehnologija pomnilnika (RAM): Brez izbire

Hitrost pomnilnika (RAM): Brez izbire

4266 MT/s

Zmogljivost shranjevanja: Brez izbire

Razširitev prostora za shranjevanje: Brez izbire

1x reža za kartico Micro SD, 1x vrata PCI-e 22*80 NVMe (uporabljeno)

I/O zvok: Brez izbire

Vgrajeno: Stereo zvočniki / nastavitev mikrofona

Video I/O: Brez izbire

I/O USB: Brez izbire

(AMD) 1x USB tipa A 2.0, (AMD) 1x USB tipa A 3.2 Gen 1, (AMD) 2x USB Type-C 3.2 Gen 2, (Intel) 2x USB tipa A 3.2 Gen 1, (Intel) 2x vrata Thunderbolt 4

Wi-Fi: Brez izbire

Bluetooth: Brez izbire


Tipkovnica: Brez izbire

QWERTY (ameriška postavitev)

Senzor prstnih odtisov: Brez izbire


Support information is not available for this product.

Customer Reviews

Based on 106 reviews
Calogero Principato
Bad quality, or bad design

This is my first experience with GPD products.
I purchased the Win Max 2 (2025) 64GB/2TB version. I received after waiting several weeks, I pre-ordered it, so the waiting time is not part of this review.
I'm quite upset, disappointed and frustrated for the overal poor quality of this device. At almost each reboot, my device is showing just a black screen and I cannot operate. I need to force shutdown the machine, wait like 10 minutes and then turn on again. This is absolutely not acceptable.
If this is the compromise that I need to accept to work with this device, I cannot digest the high price of sell. There should be a consistency between the quality of the machine and the product performance.
This ratio is absolutely not achieved and this is the reason for 1 star rating.
I'm ready to accept eventual compromise by i.e. a 50% price reduction or a proof of hardware/software redesign with proper validation and verification before starting the mass production and sells.

Hey, Thank you for sharing your experience with the GPD Win Max 2 (2025). We sincerely regret the frustration this has caused and understand your disappointment, especially after the long wait.

Please rest assured that this is an isolated case, as we have sold tens of thousands of units with strong performance. However, hardware issues can occasionally arise, and our priority is to ensure a quick resolution.

We have already approved your return RMA for a replacement, and a prepaid return label has been provided so you can proceed with shipping the device back. Once we receive your unit, we will thoroughly test the replacement before dispatching it to ensure it meets our quality standards and avoids any further issues. We truly hope this will provide you with the experience you originally expected from the device.

If you need any assistance during the return process, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We appreciate your patience and support, and we look forward to resolving this for you as quickly as possible.

Jacob Hall
Incredible powerhouse

This is perfect for anyone in the civil service industry. I am in the military and have to say from size it fits in my uniform pocket and snug into my bookbag. It's robust which also means durable which is great when deployed or utilized during training. It can handle MAX spec even for the latest high rendering games with little to no latency, for example Call of duty and Elden Ring. It has a solid encryption base which allows me to log into any government website. All of this while also having an amazing customer service team makes me want to come back for more, a couple of my friends just made some orders too because of what i showed them. I cant wait to see what this company does next!

Thank you for taking the time to leave such a positive review! We are delighted to hear that the GPD WIN MAX 2 has been a perfect fit for your needs in the civil service industry. We understand the importance of durability and robustness in your line of work, and we are glad that our product has met those standards for you. It's great to hear that the device can handle high-spec games with ease and also has strong security features. Our team is always here to support you, and we're thrilled that you have recommended our product to your friends. We are constantly working on improving our products, and we can't wait to see what the future holds. Thank you for choosing us and for your continued support!

Ethan J
Good device, great support

I've had the Win Max 2 for a few weeks now, and I have to say it meets all expectations. I don't think I've even scratched the surface of what this little powerhouse is capable of. It's probably not perfect for everyone, but if youre here reading the reviews and you're on the fence, It's probably what you're hoping for.

But, here's the real reason I'm even bothering to write this review, DROIX support has been amazing. Vikram on their support team made my weekend so much better by almost instantly providing me some technical help. This Win Max 2 2025 is a little different than the 2024, and not every quirk is worked out. There's videos and guides all over for the 2023/2024 models, but the DROIX support seems to have some deeper knowledge on the 2025 than most folks on the internet have figured out yet. You have my sincere thanks, and a new fan.

So, if you want a cool, functional, well designed, and most importantly, well supported device. Here's where you buy it from.

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a positive review for the GPD WIN MAX 2. We're thrilled to hear that it's meeting all your expectations and that our support team was able to assist you in getting the most out of your device. We really appreciate your kind words and are happy to have you as a fan. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further questions or concerns. Happy gaming!

Veronica Landin
Best Gift, EVER!

Has everything you need in one awesome device! My son said it was the best gift he ever got. Says a lot from a serious gamer. Customer service was prompt and very helpful. Absolutely recommend GPD to everyone and anyone.

Thank you for your kind words and for choosing GPD for your son's gaming needs! We are thrilled to hear that he loves our GPD WIN MAX 2 2024 Handheld PC and that it made for the best gift ever. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch customer service and we are glad to have been helpful. We appreciate your recommendation and hope to continue exceeding your expectations in the future. Happy gaming!

Fynn Nasvik-Dykhouse

this thing rips, being able to remap the game pad is huge for blender

Thank you for your review and feedback on the GPD WIN MAX 2 2023 Gaming Handheld PC. We're glad to hear that you are enjoying the product and that the ability to remap the game pad has been a huge benefit for your use. We appreciate your support and hope you continue to have a great experience with our product.