
Priključna postaja GPD G1 (2023) eGPU

  • KOMPATIBILNOST: OCuLink, USB 4, Thunderbolt 3 in 4
  • OCULINK: Povezljivost PCI Express
  • USB 4: do 40 Gb/s
  • NAPRAVE GPD OCULINK: WIN 4 2023, WIN MAX 2 2023 in WIN Mini

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  • 1x GPD G1 2023
  • 1x napajalnik
  • 1x kabel USB tipa C
  • 1x uporabniški priročnik

Starting at $695.34

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GPD G1 eGPU Docking Station
Priključna postaja GPD G1 (2023) eGPU
Starting at $695.34


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Predstavljamo GPD G1: Priključna postaja z zunanjim grafičnim procesorjem

Z revolucionarno priklopno postajo GPD G1 omogočite vrhunsko igralno izkušnjo. Ta inovativna naprava je zasnovana za izboljšanje zmogljivosti igranja in je združljiva s prihajajočimi napravami GPD WIN MAX 2 2023, GPD Mini in posodobljeno GPD WIN 4 2023, ki jih podpira Oculink. GPD G1 je združljiv z Oculinkom in USB 4.0, zato prinaša vsestranskost in priročnost v vašo igralno konfiguracijo.

Zmogljiva grafična procesna enota

Priključna postaja GPD G1 ima v svojem jedru grafični procesor AMD Radeon RX 7600M XT, ki uporablja najnovejšo arhitekturo RDNA 3.0. Ta zunanji grafični procesor s povezljivostjo Oculink zagotavlja osupljive slike in izjemno zmogljivost. Ne glede na to, ali raziskujete prostrane svetove ali ste v žarišču bitke, GPD G1 poskrbi, da je vsaka podrobnost natančno upodobljena. Z osnovnim taktom 1500 MHz, igralnim taktom 2300 MHz in pospeševalnim taktom 2615 MHz GPD G1 zagotavlja moč, ki je potrebna za prevlado v vsaki igri.

Gladko in odzivno igranje

GPD G1 je opremljen z 8 GB pomnilnika GDDR6, zato omogoča nemoteno večopravilnost in gladko igranje iger. Pomnilniški takt 2250 MHz zagotavlja hitro nalaganje in minimalen zamik. Poslovite se od zatikanja hitrosti sličic in uživajte v neprekinjenih igralnih seansah. S podporo USB 4.0 GPD G1 izpolnjuje vaše igralne zahteve in zagotavlja vrhunsko zmogljivost za vaše najljubše igre.

Sprostite svojo povezljivost

Dock GPD G1 ponuja obsežne možnosti povezovanja z vrati Oculink (SFF-8612) in USB 4, kar zagotavlja združljivost s številnimi napravami, vključno s Thunderbolt 3 in Thunderbolt 4. Enostavno povežite svoj GPD WIN MAX 2 2023, GPD Mini ali posodobljeni GPD WIN 4 prek Oculinka in uživajte v izboljšanem igranju. GPD G1 podpira tudi vmesnik USB 4, ki omogoča izboljšano grafiko v različnih sistemih.

Razširite svoja vizualna obzorja

Razširite svoje vizualne nastavitve z obsežnim naborom video priključkov v GPD G1. S priključkom HDMI 2.1 in dvema priključkoma DisplayPort 1.4a lahko priključite do tri zunanje zaslone in si zagotovite panoramsko igralno izkušnjo. S procesorjem GPD G1 eGPU se potopite v dogajanje in oživite svoje igre z neprimerljivim realizmom.

Brezhibno prenašanje podatkov

Priključna postaja GPD G1 vključuje tri vrata USB 3.2 za enostavne periferne priključke, s katerimi lahko organizirate svojo igralno konfiguracijo. Vhod SD 4.0 omogoča hiter prenos datotek in dostop do medijev. Povežite se z gostiteljsko napravo USB4 in povečajte hitrost prenosa podatkov.

Učinkovito hlajenje za največjo zmogljivost

Aktivni hladilni sistem GPD G1 učinkovito odvaja toploto in zagotavlja stabilno temperaturo grafičnega procesorja med intenzivnim igranjem iger. Poslovite se od pregrevanja in uživajte v neprekinjenem igranju, saj mehanizem zračnega hlajenja skrbi za optimalno zmogljivost sistema.

Brezkompromisno napajanje

Priključna postaja GPD G1 vključuje vgrajen 240W napajalnik GaN, ki zagotavlja zanesljivo napajanje vašega grafičnega procesorja. S skupno grafično močjo 120 W je GPD G1 optimiziran za visokozmogljive igre, saj hitro in natančno upodablja grafiko.

Kompaktna zasnova, velika zmogljivost

Kljub kompaktnim meram (225 × 111 × 30 mm) in lahki konstrukciji (0,92 kg) je GPD G1 zelo zmogljiv. Prenosnik GPD G1 je prenosna moč za vse navdušence nad igrami, tako doma kot na poti ali na igralnih dogodkih.


Priključna postaja GPD G1 eGPU je vrhunski pripomoček za igralce, ki iščejo moč, vsestranskost in priročnost. Ta priklopna postaja je združljiva s prihajajočimi modeli GPD WIN MAX 2 2023, GPD Mini in posodobljenim GPD WIN 4 ter podpira Oculink in USB 4.0, zato ponuja neprimerljivo povezljivost. Grafični procesor AMD Radeon RX 7600M XT zagotavlja osupljive vizualne učinke in zmogljivost, 8 GB pomnilnika GDDR6 pa omogoča gladko in odzivno igranje iger. Razširite svoje vizualne nastavitve, uživajte v nemotenem prenosu podatkov ter izkoristite prednosti učinkovitega hlajenja in zanesljivega napajanja. S priklopno postajo GPD G1 izboljšajte svojo igralno izkušnjo.

Prednosti in slabosti


  • Vsestranska združljivost: podpira GPD WIN MAX 2 2024, GPD Mini 2024, posodobljena GPD WIN 4 2023 in Win 4 2024 ter naprave USB 4, kar omogoča izboljšano grafiko na več sistemih.
  • Zmogljiva grafična zmogljivost: Radeon RX 7600M XT z arhitekturo RDNA 3.0, ki zagotavlja izjemno grafiko in gladko igranje.
  • Razširljiva vizualna nastavitev: Več grafičnih in video priključkov, vključno s HDMI 2.1 in DP 1.4a, podpira do tri zunanje zaslone za poglobljeno igralno izkušnjo.
  • Učinkovit hladilni sistem: Aktivni hladilni mehanizem preprečuje pregrevanje in zagotavlja optimalno zmogljivost med daljšimi igralnimi seansami.
  • Prenosna in kompaktna zasnova: Zaradi kompaktnih dimenzij in lahke izdelave je zelo prenosen, idealen za igralce iger na poti.


  • Omejena združljivost z blagovno znamko: Združljivost z napravami, ki niso znamke GPD, in napravami brez vrat USB 4 je lahko omejena.
  • Omejene možnosti GPU: Edina možnost grafičnega procesorja je AMD Radeon RX 7600M XT, ki morda ne bo zadovoljil uporabnikov, ki iščejo drugačne ali prilagodljive grafične procesorje.

Dodatne podrobnosti

Teža 750 g
Dimenzije 15 × 30 × 8 cm
Brand: No selection

, , ,

Condition: No selection

Novo, Obnovljeni (razred A), Obnovljeni (razred B)

Graphics (GPU) Brand: No selection


Graphics (GPU) Execution Units: No selection


Graphics (GPU) Max Frequency: No selection

2300 MHz

Graphics (GPU) Model: No selection

Radeon™ RX 7600M XT

I/O Video: No selection

1x OCuLink, Prek 1x USB 4.0 Type-C

I/O USB: No selection

3x USB tipa A 3.2 Gen 2

Storage Expansion: No selection

1x reža za kartico Micro SD

Support information is not available for this product.

Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews
Ian H.
Excellent Product

I'm really happy with the GPD G1 eGPU, the product came nicely packed and arrived in good order. I'm using the external GPU with my Surface pro 9, it has really boosted the performance of my system. I tested a few games and I'm really happy with the performance. I'm not a massive gamer so this suits my needs perfectly. It's small and portable and I can really up my gaming performance when I want to and have a pretty concise setup with the eGPU paired with a Surface pro. I didn't want to be buying a separate gaming rig or console.

The design is nicely thought out and the toggle switch is very beneficial. I set up the AMD software very quickly without issue, pretty much a plug and play experience - which is always a good!

I highly recommend, especially if you have a Surface pro 9 or similar which I use, I can confirm compatibility with the surface pro 9 and it was a smooth plug and play experience with minimal technical expertise required.

Thank you for taking the time to leave us such a positive review! We're thrilled to hear that the GPD G1 eGPU has exceeded your expectations and has improved the performance of your system. We take pride in the product's compact design and user-friendly toggle switch. We're glad that you were able to set up the AMD software easily and that it has provided a seamless plug and play experience. We appreciate your recommendation and we're happy to confirm compatibility with the Surface Pro 9. Thank you for choosing GPD G1 eGPU to enhance your gaming experience. Happy gaming!

Louis Benson
Constantly BSODs my PC

Shit EGPU, Constantly bsoding, instructions are in either Chinese or Poorly worded English, no further documentation, Help guides on Droix website are outdated and do not work.

We are sorry to hear about the issues you've been experiencing with eGPU setup. It's really important for us that our customers have a great experience with our products, and we're deeply apologetic that this hasn't been the case for you.

Recently, we reached out to you with some troubleshooting steps and setup guide details that we believe should resolve your reported issues. We will request to consider trying the guides and let us know the outcome.

To guarantee we're addressing all your concerns, it would be great if you could provide more details about the issues you're experiencing. This could be done by responding to our latest email or reporting the issue on our support end as we have no current report from you which makes it difficult to address the problem specifically.

Your comments about the user manual instructions and our website's guides have also been noted. However, we have GPD G1 setup guide on our website and we will request to consider trying it.

We assure you that we're fully committed to assisting you and resolving any problems to your satisfaction. Please give us a chance to make this right - we truly value your feedback and your satisfaction is our top priority.

Perfect !

I already own products from GPD and quality don't need to be prove anymore. The G1 is well constructed, with qusality materials. All is working like intended. Performance are good, even with the switch in quite mode.
Used the G1 with my Minisforum V3 and even on USB4 it's great. All games are playable at 2K resolution with almost 60 to 120 FPS.
Device is cool, never exceed 70 degrees Celsius, fans are audible but the sound is quiet. Not like some gaming laptop who are like rocket turbines.

Thank you for taking the time to leave such a positive review for our GPD G1 eGPU Docking Station! We are thrilled that you are satisfied with the quality and performance of our product. It is great to hear that you have also had a good experience with our other GPD products. We strive to provide high-quality materials and reliable performance for our customers. We are glad to hear that you have been able to enjoy your gaming experience with our docking station and that it has kept your device cool even during intense gameplay. Thank you again for your feedback and support. We greatly appreciate it!

Love it

Love the new refresh, stays cooler and is more efficient with providing power

Thank you for your positive feedback on our GPD G1 eGPU Docking Station! We're thrilled to hear that you love the new refresh and have noticed improved cooling and efficiency. We appreciate your support and hope you continue to enjoy our product.

Patrick F.
Great, but some trouble...

The GPD G1 is an awesome GPU.
I am using it with the GPD Win 4 2024, and it is a really great extension for that.
BUT... I use this Setup really often with 3 Displays, and in this case my G1 is not recognized by the Win 4 properly. The G1 connects and diconnects every single second, till I deactivate the 780M in Device Manager and activate it again.
Only then my 3 Displays start to work.
Tried to delete and reinstall AMD Drivers, still same fault.

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review for the GPD G1 eGPU Docking Station. We're glad to hear that it has been a great extension for your GPD Win 4. However, we apologize for the trouble you have experienced with the setup and the frequent disconnection issue. We have emailed you requesting for the additional details and we will be happy to assist with it.