GPD Duo– pažangiausias ultrabook nešiojamasis kompiuteris su dviem 13,3 colio AMOLED jutikliniais ekranais unikalioje trigubai sulankstomoje konstrukcijoje, todėl visiškai išskleistas naudotojams suteikia platų 18 colių ekraną. Šis nešiojamasis kompiuteris su dviem ekranais, kuriame veikia AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 procesorius ir Radeon 890M GPU, pasižymi įspūdingomis specifikacijomis, įskaitant iki 64 GB operatyviosios atminties, 4 TB SSD saugyklą ir patikimą rašiklio palaikymą, todėl jis yra universalus produktyvumo, kūrybiškumo ir žaidimų įrankis.
Naujoviškas dviejų ekranų dizainas
Naujoviška „GPD Duo” dviejų ekranų konstrukcija išskiria jį iš ultrabookų rinkos. Dviejų ekranų nešiojamasis kompiuteris verslui turi du 13,3 colių „Samsung OLED” ekranus, kurių kiekvieno skiriamoji geba yra 2880 x 1800 taškų, o pikselių tankis – 255 PPI Šie ekranai pasižymi išskirtiniu spalvų tikslumu – 100 % „Adobe RGB” ir 133 % sRGB spalvų gamos aprėptis, todėl idealiai tinka profesionaliam projektavimo darbui.
Dėl unikalios trigubos konstrukcijos su dviem vyriais, įskaitant 360 laipsnių viršutinio ekrano vyrius, galima naudoti įvairiais būdais, todėl jis gali būti naudojamas ir kaip planšetinis kompiuteris, ir kaip asmeninis kompiuteris. Visiškai išskleistas ” GPD Duo” turi platų 18 colių vertikalųjį ekraną, o antrinis ekranas gali būti užlenktas už pagrindinio ir paverčiamas įprastu nešiojamuoju kompiuteriu arba planšetiniu įrenginiu.
„Powerhouse Performance” specifikacijos
Bus du „GPU Duo” modeliai su skirtingais procesoriaus variantais. Pirmasis yra „AMD Ryzen 7 8440U” su 780M GPU. Jis turi 8 CPU branduolius ir 16 gijų iki 5,1 GHz. Šis procesorius jau sėkmingai naudojamas 2024 m. GPD gaminių modeliuose, įskaitant „Win 4”, „Win MAX 2” ir „Win Mini”.
Antrajame „GPD Duo” modelyje naudojamas pažangiausias AMD procesorius „Ryzen AI 9 HX 370”, sukurtas 4 nm technologiniu procesu naudojant „Zen 5” architektūrą. Šis 12 branduolių (4 „Zen5+” ir 8 „Zen5c” branduoliai) procesorius gali pasigirti maksimaliu 5,1 GHz didinamuoju taktiniu dažniu ir 36,75 MB spartinančiosios atminties Integruotas „Radeon 890M” GPU turi 16 skaičiavimo vienetų (CU) su 1024 srautiniais procesoriais (SP) ir 2,9 GHz didinamuoju taktiniu dažniu Lyginamosiose testuose šis procesorius pagal vieno branduolio rezultatus „Cinebench 2024” prilygsta staliniams kompiuteriams skirtam „Ryzen 9 7950X”, o kelių branduolių testuose lenkia „Ryzen 9 5950X”.
GPU našumas, palyginti su pirmtaku, pagerėjo 36 %, o pagal „3DMark Time Spy” rezultatus jis lenkia „NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050 (Mobile)” Be to, procesoriuje įdiegtas AMD XDNA 2 architektūros NPU, užtikrinantis 50 TOPS dirbtinio intelekto skaičiavimo galios, o bendras sistemos dirbtinio intelekto našumas šiame dirbtinio intelekto kompiuteryje siekia 80 TOPS. Toks CPU, GPU ir AI pajėgumų derinys leidžia ” GPD Duo” laikyti galingu kompiuteriu sudėtingoms užduotims, įskaitant žaidimus, turinio kūrimą ir AI spartinančias programas, atlikti.
Didelio našumo atminties ir saugyklos parinktys
„GPD Duo” pasižymi išskirtinėmis atminties ir saugyklos galimybėmis, kad patenkintų reiklius kompiuterių poreikius. 8840 U modelyje yra 16 GB RAM, o HX 380 modelyje galima rinktis iš 32 arba 64 GB LPDDR5x operatyviosios atminties su 7500 MT/s taktiniu dažniu, todėl užtikrinamas sklandus daugiaprogramis darbas ir efektyvus sudėtingų darbo procesų, būdingų dviejų ekranų konfigūracijai, valdymas.
Nešiojamasis kompiuteris su dviem ekranais turi du M.2 2280 lizdus, palaikančius „PCIe Gen4x4” SSD, o kiekvienas lizdas gali talpinti iki 8 TB, taigi maksimali talpa – 16 TB. Didelio našumo atminčiai galima skirti iki 16 GB VRAM, todėl tai naudinga dirbtinio intelekto programoms ir žaidimų našumui
Dėl šių specifikacijų ” GPD Duo” yra puikiai pritaikytas atlikti daug išteklių reikalaujančias užduotis, tokias kaip 3D atvaizdavimas, kelių virtualių mašinų paleidimas ir aukštos klasės žaidimai, be našumo trikdžių.
Universalus prievadų pasirinkimas, įskaitant USB 4 ir „OCuLink
„GPD Duo” pasižymi įspūdingu įvesties ir išvesties prievadų skaičiumi, kuris užtikrina universalumą, kad būtų patenkinti įvairūs ryšio poreikiai. Jame yra 40 Gb/s pralaidumo USB4 prievadas, „DisplayPort 2.1 Alt Mode” ir 100 W USB Power Delivery palaikymas. Nešiojamasis kompiuteris taip pat turi „OCuLink” prievadą, suteikiantį 64 Gb/s pralaidumą išorinių GPU jungtims, pavyzdžiui, GPD G1 eGPU prijungimo stočiai arba didelės spartos duomenų perdavimui. Vaizdo išvesčiai „GPD Duo” turi HDMI 2.1 prievadą, leidžiantį pasiekti 4K raišką dideliu atnaujinimo dažniu, suderinamą su šiuolaikiniais OLED ekranais ir nešiojamaisiais monitoriais, tokiais kaip ” DroiX PM14„.
Be to, jame yra 10 Gb/s spartos USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C prievadas ir „DisplayPort 1.4 Alt” režimas, du USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A prievadai ir specialus USB-C prievadas, skirtas vaizdo įvesties į antrąjį ekraną funkcijai, todėl jis gali veikti kaip nešiojamas monitorius kitiems įrenginiams. Toks platus prievadų pasirinkimas užtikrina, kad „GPD Duo” gali būti pritaikytas įvairiems periferiniams įrenginiams ir naudojimo atvejams – nuo didelio našumo išorinių ekranų iki greito duomenų perdavimo ir išorinių GPU sąrankų.
Išsamus belaidis ryšys
” GPD Duo” siūlo išsamias ryšio galimybes, kad naudotojai galėtų palaikyti ryšį įvairiose aplinkose. Jame integruotas 2,5G Ethernet prievadas su RJ45 jungtimi, užtikrinantis greitesnę ir stabilesnę prieigą prie interneto, kai reikia atlikti daug pralaidumo reikalaujančias užduotis, pavyzdžiui, žaisti žaidimus, transliuoti vaizdo įrašus ir siųsti didelius failus. Belaidžiam ryšiui užtikrinti mini nešiojamasis kompiuteris turi „Wi-Fi 6E” palaikymą, užtikrinantį spartų ir mažo vėlavimo ryšį įvairiose tinklo aplinkose.
Be to, „GPD Duo” įdiegta „Bluetooth 5.3” technologija, leidžianti sklandžiai susieti iki 255 įrenginių ir padidinti periferinių įrenginių prijungimo universalumą kompiuterio aplinkoje. Dėl tokio laidinių ir belaidžių technologijų derinio „GPD Duo” gali būti pritaikytas įvairiems tinklo poreikiams – nuo biuro aplinkos, kurioje reikia stabilaus eterneto ryšio, iki mobiliųjų scenarijų, kuriuose galima naudotis naujausiais „Wi-Fi” ir „Bluetooth” standartais.
Pažangi aušinimo sistema su dviem ventiliatoriais
„GPD Duo” turi pažangią aušinimo sistemą, sukurtą taip, kad išlaikytų optimalų našumą net ir esant didelėms darbo apkrovoms. Dvigubo šilumos vamzdelių paskirstymo konstrukcija, sujungta su dviem ventiliatoriais, užtikrina visapusišką viso įrenginio aušinimą Didelės apimties turbininis ventiliatorius skirtas procesoriui aušinti, o antrasis ventiliatorius valdo pagrindinę plokštę ir kitus komponentus.
Patikimas aušinimo sprendimas ypač svarbus „GPD Duo”, nes jis palaiko galingą „AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370” procesorių ir „Radeon 890M” grafinį procesorių, todėl naudotojai gali visiškai išnaudoti dviejų ekranų galimybes atliekant sudėtingas užduotis, pvz., žaidimus, dirbtinio intelekto apdorojimą ir paleidžiant kelias virtualias mašinas be šiluminio droseliavimo.
Ilgalaikis maitinimo efektyvumas
” GPD Duo” turi didelį 80Wh akumuliatorių, kuris, nepaisant galingos aparatinės įrangos, skirtas ilgesniam naudojimo laikui. GPD teigimu, nešiojamasis kompiuteris gali veikti iki 30,2 valandų tam tikromis sąlygomis, pvz., naudojant 150 nitų ekrano ryškumą tyliuoju režimu ir atjungus tinklą, tačiau tikrovėje baterijos veikimo trukmė gali skirtis priklausomai nuo naudojimo būdo ir nustatymų. GPD teigia, kad įprastai naudojant akumuliatorius gali veikti apie 6-8 val.
Mini nešiojamasis kompiuteris taip pat palaiko 100 W PD greitojo įkrovimo funkciją, todėl prireikus galima greitai įkrauti bateriją.Šiuo didelės talpos akumuliatoriaus ir greitojo įkrovimo funkcijos deriniu siekiama užtikrinti, kad „GPD Duo” atitiktų profesionalų, kuriems reikia ilgą laiką dirbti produktyviai, dažnai neturint prieigos prie elektros lizdų, poreikius.
GPD Duo – universalus galingas nešiojamasis kompiuteris
” GPD Duo” išsiskiria kaip universali jėgainė, pasižyminti neprilygstamu lankstumu ir našumu kompaktiškoje formoje. Du 13,3 colio OLED jutikliniai ekranai, kai jie visiškai išskleisti, suteikia plačią 18 colių darbo erdvę ir padidina produktyvumą įvairiose aplinkose, naudodami 10 taškų jutiklines funkcijas. Pažangiausias AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 procesorius kartu su Radeon 890M GPU užtikrina išskirtinį našumą atliekant sudėtingas užduotis, prilygstantį stalinių kompiuterių klasės sistemoms, ypač naudojant du ekranus. Turėdamas iki 64 GB RAM ir 4 TB saugyklą, jis lengvai susidoroja su daug išteklių reikalaujančiomis programomis
Įrenginio dirbtinio intelekto galimybės, pasižyminčios 80 TOPS našumu, pagreitina turinio kūrimo, duomenų analizės ir mašininio mokymosi užduotis, todėl jis tampa pirmaujančiu dirbtinio intelekto kompiuteriu. Nesvarbu, ar tai būtų kūrybiniai projektai namuose, ar daugiafunkcinis kompiuteris biure, ar keliaujant, universalus „GPD Duo” dizainas prisitaiko prie naudotojo poreikių, panašiai kaip „Microsoft Surface”.
Patikimos jungčių galimybės, įskaitant USB4, OCuLink ir „Wi-Fi 6E”, užtikrina sklandžią integraciją su įvairiais periferiniais įrenginiais ir tinklais.Ilgai veikiantis akumuliatorius ir greito įkrovimo palaikymas užtikrina, kad šis kompiuteris idealiai tinka keliaujantiems profesionalams, nes užtikrina puikų galios ir nešiojamumo derinį šiuolaikinėje dinamiškoje darbo aplinkoje, ypač kai naudojamas OLED ekranas.
Daugiau informacijos rasite GPD Duo puslapyje čia.
You mentioned on several different occasions that there will be 96Gb version in the IGG campaign. Wil this happen? If so would it be possible to release a 128Gb version instead. Yes, it will be more expensive but some of us will pay the extra to have that. Many of us are using your GPD machines as there main workstations with powerful eGPU:s so it makes sense. Maybe even a 256Gb version. This would make you stand out from the crowd .
Details on RAM configurations will be announced in due course.
You mentioned on several different occasions that there will be 96Gb version in the IGG campaign. Wil this happen? If so would it be possible to release a 128Gb version instead. Yes, it will be more expensive but some of us will pay the extra to have that. Many of us are using your GPD machines as there main workstations with powerful eGPU:s so it makes sense. Maybe even a 256Gb version. This would make you stand out from the crowd .
When can we expect this to release?
Pre-orders should be happening very soon, I would say likely in September. As for actual release date, we do not have a date yet but I would expect it to be around November to December if the pre-orders start in the next month.
When can we expect this to release?
Any information if GPD will enable Raid0 in BIOS for the two m.2 slots? Would be great to double the speed of two 4Tb Samsung 990 Pro SSD.
Thanks in advance
Thank you for your question! As of now, we do not have confirmed information regarding whether RAID 0 will be enabled in the BIOS for the two M.2 slots in GPD devices. However, it’s an excellent suggestion, and we’ve already forwarded your query to GPD. We’ll update you as soon as we receive more details on this matter.
Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for more updates!
Any information if GPD will enable Raid0 in BIOS for the two m.2 slots? Would be great to double the speed of two 4Tb Samsung 990 Pro SSD.
Thanks in advance
When a PC mode phone is plugged into the USB-C (AMOLED 2) × 1, supporting DP ALT Mode, can the DUO keyboard and trackpad be used to control the phone PC display?
Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Thank you for the articulate response.
Thank you for the articulate response.
Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Thank you for the articulate response.
When a PC mode phone is plugged into the USB-C (AMOLED 2) × 1, supporting DP ALT Mode, can the DUO keyboard and trackpad be used to control the phone PC display?
Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Any news regarding the release?
We will have some news one pre-orders and an estimated release date tomorrow. Check back on our blog here for the news!
Any news regarding the release?
Isn’t there anything that you can tell us regarding the ram size? That should be to big of a secret I think. Many of the specifications are already public information.
We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.
Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?
We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.
Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?
The RAM is soldered in, it is pretty much standard for these devices.
The RAM is soldered in, it is pretty much standard for these devices.
Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?
The RAM is soldered in, it is pretty much standard for these devices.
Isn’t there anything that you can tell us regarding the ram size? That should be to big of a secret I think. Many of the specifications are already public information.
We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.
Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?
Question regarding the secondary display use case. Can you use the main laptop screen and the secondary screen at the same time when the secondary screen is plugged into a device?
For instance, if my phone is plugged in the second screen, do I still have the function of the laptop as well for the main screen?
We can confirm that you can use Windows on the bottom monitor and have an external device in the top monitor and use them at the same time.
Question regarding the secondary display use case. Can you use the main laptop screen and the secondary screen at the same time when the secondary screen is plugged into a device?
For instance, if my phone is plugged in the second screen, do I still have the function of the laptop as well for the main screen?
Will there be a cover for outside screen just in case you want to use the inside screen without exposing the outside screen to outside world
That would make it a good all purpose laptop
Using it normally but removing the backcover and propping up the 2nd screen whenvevr needed
As far as we know there will be no cover for the top half of the screen. The way the screens fold to close means there is not much room for a top screen case and probably would not close properly with it on. As a note, there is a keyboard key to switch off/on the top screen.
Will there be a cover for outside screen just in case you want to use the inside screen without exposing the outside screen to outside world
That would make it a good all purpose laptop
Using it normally but removing the backcover and propping up the 2nd screen whenvevr needed
You mentioned on several different occasions that there will be 96Gb version in the IGG campaign. Wil this happen? If so would it be possible to release a 128Gb version instead. Yes, it will be more expensive but some of us will pay the extra to have that. Many of us are using your GPD machines as there main workstations with powerful eGPU:s so it makes sense. Maybe even a 256Gb version. This would make you stand out from the crowd .
Details on RAM configurations will be announced in due course.
Details on RAM configurations will be announced in due course.
When can we expect this to release?
Pre-orders should be happening very soon, I would say likely in September. As for actual release date, we do not have a date yet but I would expect it to be around November to December if the pre-orders start in the next month.
Pre-orders should be happening very soon, I would say likely in September. As for actual release date, we do not have a date yet but I would expect it to be around November to December if the pre-orders start in the next month.
Any information if GPD will enable Raid0 in BIOS for the two m.2 slots? Would be great to double the speed of two 4Tb Samsung 990 Pro SSD.
Thanks in advance
Thank you for your question! As of now, we do not have confirmed information regarding whether RAID 0 will be enabled in the BIOS for the two M.2 slots in GPD devices. However, it’s an excellent suggestion, and we’ve already forwarded your query to GPD. We’ll update you as soon as we receive more details on this matter.
Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for more updates!
Thank you for your question! As of now, we do not have confirmed information regarding whether RAID 0 will be enabled in the BIOS for the two M.2 slots in GPD devices. However, it’s an excellent suggestion, and we’ve already forwarded your query to GPD. We’ll update you as soon as we receive more details on this matter.
Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for more updates!
When a PC mode phone is plugged into the USB-C (AMOLED 2) × 1, supporting DP ALT Mode, can the DUO keyboard and trackpad be used to control the phone PC display?
Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Any news regarding the release?
We will have some news one pre-orders and an estimated release date tomorrow. Check back on our blog here for the news!
We will have some news one pre-orders and an estimated release date tomorrow. Check back on our blog here for the news!
Isn’t there anything that you can tell us regarding the ram size? That should be to big of a secret I think. Many of the specifications are already public information.
We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.
Question regarding the secondary display use case. Can you use the main laptop screen and the secondary screen at the same time when the secondary screen is plugged into a device?
For instance, if my phone is plugged in the second screen, do I still have the function of the laptop as well for the main screen?
We can confirm that you can use Windows on the bottom monitor and have an external device in the top monitor and use them at the same time.
We can confirm that you can use Windows on the bottom monitor and have an external device in the top monitor and use them at the same time.
Will there be a cover for outside screen just in case you want to use the inside screen without exposing the outside screen to outside world
That would make it a good all purpose laptop
Using it normally but removing the backcover and propping up the 2nd screen whenvevr needed
As far as we know there will be no cover for the top half of the screen. The way the screens fold to close means there is not much room for a top screen case and probably would not close properly with it on. As a note, there is a keyboard key to switch off/on the top screen.
As far as we know there will be no cover for the top half of the screen. The way the screens fold to close means there is not much room for a top screen case and probably would not close properly with it on. As a note, there is a keyboard key to switch off/on the top screen.