GPD Duo prijenosno računalo i tablet s dvostrukim zaslonom

GPD Duo: Vrhunsko OLED prijenosno računalo s dva zaslona koje se sklapa i rasklapa

GPD Duo, vrhunsko ultrabook prijenosno računalo s dvostrukim 13.3-inčnim AMOLED zaslonom osjetljivim na dodir u jedinstvenom trostrukom dizajnu, nudeći korisnicima ekspanzivni 18-inčni zaslon kada je potpuno rasklopljen. Pokretan AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 procesorom i Radeon 890M GPU-om, ovo prijenosno računalo s dva zaslona može se pohvaliti impresivnim specifikacijama uključujući do 64 GB RAM-a, 4TB SSD pohranu i robusnu podršku za olovku, što ga pozicionira kao svestran alat za produktivnost, kreativnost i igranje.

Inovativni dizajn s dva zaslona

Inovativni dizajn s dva zaslona GPD Duo izdvaja ga na tržištu ultrabookova. Prijenosno računalo s dva zaslona za tvrtke ima dva 13,3-inčna Samsung OLED panela, od kojih se svaki može pohvaliti rezolucijom od 2880 x 1800 piksela i gustoćom piksela od 255 PPI Ovi zasloni nude iznimnu točnost boja sa 100% Adobe RGB i 133% sRGB pokrivenošću rasponom boja, što ih čini idealnim za profesionalni dizajnerski rad

Rad s dva zaslona na GPD Duo
Rad s dva zaslona na GPD Duo

Jedinstveni trostruki dizajn s dvostrukim šarkama, uključujući šarku od 360 stupnjeva za gornji zaslon, omogućuje svestrane načine korištenja, što ga čini učinkovitim i kao tablet i kao računalo. Kada se potpuno proširi, GPD Duo pruža ekspanzivni vertikalni zaslon od 18 inča, dok se sekundarni zaslon može preklopiti iza primarnog kako bi se transformirao u konvencionalni uređaj sličan prijenosnom računalu ili tabletu Ova fleksibilnost, u kombinaciji s tipkovnicom pune veličine i običnim trackpadom, povećava produktivnost i prilagodljivost u različitim radnim scenarijima.

GPD Duo OLED zaslon
GPD Duo OLED zaslon

Snažne specifikacije performansi

Postojat će dva modela GPU Duo s različitim CPU opcijama. Prvi je AMD Ryzen 7 8440U sa 780M GPU-om. Ima 8 CPU jezgri i 16 niti do 5,1 GHz. Bio je to uspješan CPU koji se već koristio u modelima GPD proizvoda iz 2024., uključujući Win 4, Win MAX 2 i Win Mini.

Drugi GPD Duo model pokreće AMD-ov vrhunski Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 procesor, izgrađen na 4nm procesu koristeći Zen 5 arhitekturu. Ovaj 12-jezgreni (4 Zen5+ i 8 Zen5c jezgri) CPU može se pohvaliti maksimalnim pojačanim taktom od 5.1 GHz i 36.75 MB predmemorije Integrirani Radeon 890M GPU ima 16 računalnih jedinica (CU) s 1024 stream procesora (SP) i pojačanim taktom od 2.9 GHz U mjerilima, CPU navodno odgovara stolnom Ryzen 9 7950X u jednojezgrenim rezultatima Cinebench 2024 i nadmašuje Ryzen 9 5950X u višejezgrenim testovima

AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 CPU
AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 CPU

GPU pokazuje poboljšanje performansi od 36% u odnosu na svog prethodnika, nadmašivši NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050 (Mobile) u rezultatima 3DMark Time Spy Osim toga, procesor uključuje AMD-ovu XDNA 2 arhitekturu NPU, isporučujući 50 TOPS AI računalne snage, pridonoseći ukupnim performansama AI sustava od 80 TOPS u ovom AI računalu. Ova kombinacija CPU-a, GPU-a i AI mogućnosti pozicionira GPD Duo kao moćan za zahtjevne zadatke, uključujući igranje, stvaranje sadržaja i aplikacije ubrzane umjetnom inteligencijom.

Opcije memorije i pohrane visokih performansi

GPD Duo nudi iznimne mogućnosti memorije i pohrane kako bi zadovoljio zahtjevne računalne potrebe. Model 8840 U ima 16 GB RAM-a, a HX 380 ima izbor od 32 GB ili 64 GB LPDDR5x RAM-a takta 7,500 MT/s, osiguravajući glatko multitasking i učinkovito rukovanje složenim tijekovima rada tipičnim za postavljanje s dva zaslona.


Za pohranu, prijenosno računalo s dva zaslona ima dva M.2 2280 utora koji podržavaju PCIe Gen4x4 SSD-ove, pri čemu svaki utor može primiti do 8 TB, što omogućuje maksimalni kapacitet od 16 TB Ova ekspanzivna opcija pohrane omogućuje korisnicima prijenos ogromnih količina podataka bez ugrožavanja brzine. Memorija visokih performansi može dodijeliti do 16 GB kao VRAM, što koristi AI aplikacijama i performansama igranja

S ovim specifikacijama, GPD Duo je dobro opremljen za obavljanje zadataka koji zahtijevaju velike resurse kao što su 3D renderiranje, pokretanje više virtualnih strojeva i vrhunske igre bez uskih grla u performansama.

Svestran odabir priključaka uključujući USB 4 i OCuLink

GPD Duo može se pohvaliti impresivnim nizom I/O priključaka, nudeći svestranost za različite potrebe povezivanja. Sadrži USB4 priključak s propusnošću od 40 Gbps, DisplayPort 2.1 Alt Mode i 100W USB Power Delivery podrškom. Prijenosno računalo također uključuje OCuLink priključak, koji pruža propusnost od 64 Gbps za vanjske GPU veze kao što je GPD G1 eGPU priključna stanica ili brzi prijenos podataka. Za video izlaz, GPD Duo opremljen je HDMI 2.1 priključkom, koji omogućuje 4K rezoluciju pri visokim brzinama osvježavanja, kompatibilan s modernim OLED zaslonima i prijenosnim monitorima kao što je DroiX PM14.

GDP Duo s dva monitora za četverostruki zaslon
GDP Duo s dva monitora za četverostruki zaslon

Osim toga, nudi USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C priključak s brzinom od 10 Gbps i DisplayPort 1.4 Alt Mode, dva USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A priključka i namjenski USB-C priključak za video ulaz na drugi zaslon, što mu omogućuje da funkcionira kao prijenosni monitor za druge uređaje. Ovaj opsežan odabir priključaka osigurava da GPD Duo može primiti širok raspon perifernih uređaja i slučajeva upotrebe, od vanjskih zaslona visokih performansi do brzih prijenosa podataka i postavki vanjskog GPU-a.

Sveobuhvatno bežično povezivanje

GPD Duo nudi sveobuhvatne mogućnosti povezivanja kako bi osigurao da korisnici ostanu povezani u različitim okruženjima. Ima ugrađeni 2.5G Ethernet priključak s RJ45 konektorom, pružajući brži i stabilniji pristup internetu za zadatke koji zahtijevaju propusnost kao što su igranje, video streaming i prijenos velikih datoteka. Za bežično povezivanje, mini prijenosno računalo opremljeno je podrškom za Wi-Fi 6E, osiguravajući brze veze s niskim kašnjenjem u više mrežnih okruženja.

Osim toga, GPD Duo uključuje Bluetooth 5.3 tehnologiju, omogućujući besprijekorno uparivanje s do 255 uređaja i povećavajući svestranost perifernih veza u okruženju računala. Ova kombinacija žičanih i bežičnih tehnologija čini GPD Duo prilagodljivim različitim mrežnim potrebama, od uredskih okruženja koja zahtijevaju stabilne Ethernet veze do mobilnih scenarija koji imaju koristi od najnovijih Wi-Fi i Bluetooth standarda.

Napredni sustav hlađenja s dva ventilatora

GPD Duo uključuje napredni sustav hlađenja dizajniran za održavanje optimalnih performansi čak i pod velikim radnim opterećenjima. S dvostrukim dizajnom distribucije toplinske cijevi uparenim s dvostrukim ventilatorima, sustav osigurava sveobuhvatno hlađenje na cijelom uređaju Turbo ventilator velikog volumena namijenjen je hlađenju CPU-a, dok drugi ventilator upravlja matičnom pločom i drugim komponentama Ova postavka s dva ventilatora omogućuje GPD Duo da učinkovito održava svoju hladnoću, omogućujući dvostrukom zaslonu za rad da oslobodi svoj maksimalni potencijal performansi uz 60W TDP (Thermal Design Power)

GPD Duo hlađenje
GPD Duo hlađenje

Robusno rješenje za hlađenje posebno je ključno za GPD Duo, jer podržava snažni AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 procesor i Radeon 890M GPU, omogućujući korisnicima da u potpunosti iskoriste mogućnosti dvostrukog zaslona za zahtjevne zadatke kao što su igranje, AI obrada i pokretanje više virtualnih strojeva bez toplinskog prigušivanja

Dugotrajna snaga

GPD Duo opremljen je značajnom baterijom od 80 Wh, dizajniranom da pruži dulje vrijeme korištenja unatoč snažnom hardveru. Prema GPD-u, prijenosno računalo može postići do 30.2 sata trajanja baterije pod određenim uvjetima, kao što je korištenje svjetline zaslona od 150 nita u tihom načinu rada s isključenom mrežom Međutim, trajanje baterije u stvarnom svijetu vjerojatno će varirati ovisno o obrascima korištenja i postavkama. Za tipičnu upotrebu, GPD tvrdi da baterija može trajati oko 6-8 sati

GPD Duo video ulaz s vanjskih uređaja
GPD Duo video ulaz s vanjskih uređaja

Mini prijenosno računalo također podržava brzo punjenje PD od 100 W, omogućujući brzo punjenje po potrebi Ova kombinacija velikog kapaciteta baterije i mogućnosti brzog punjenja ima za cilj osigurati da GPD Duo može zadovoljiti zahtjeve profesionalaca koji zahtijevaju duga razdoblja produktivnosti bez čestog pristupa utičnicama.

GPD Duo – svestrano moćno prijenosno računalo

GPD Duo ističe se kao svestrana snaga, nudeći neusporedivu fleksibilnost i performanse u kompaktnom obliku. Njegova dva 13,3-inčna OLED zaslona osjetljiva na dodir pružaju prostrani radni prostor od 18 inča kada se potpuno proširi, povećavajući produktivnost u različitim okruženjima s mogućnostima dodira u 10 točaka. Vrhunski AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 procesor, zajedno s Radeon 890M GPU-om, pruža iznimne performanse za zahtjevne zadatke, konkurirajući sustavima klase stolnih računala, posebno u postavci s dva zaslona. S do 64 GB RAM-a i 4 TB prostora za pohranu, s lakoćom obrađuje aplikacije koje zahtijevaju velike resurse

GPD Duo u načinu rada tableta
GPD Duo u načinu rada tableta

AI mogućnosti uređaja, koje se mogu pohvaliti 80 TOP-ova performansi, ubrzavaju zadatke u stvaranju sadržaja, analizi podataka i strojnom učenju, pozicionirajući ga kao vodeće AI računalo. Bilo da ste kod kuće za kreativne projekte, u uredu za multitasking ili na putovanju, svestrani dizajn GPD Duo prilagođava se potrebama korisnika, slično kao i Microsoft Surface.

Njegove robusne mogućnosti povezivanja, uključujući USB4, OCuLink i Wi-Fi 6E, osiguravaju besprijekornu integraciju s raznim perifernim uređajima i mrežama Dugotrajna baterija i podrška za brzo punjenje čine ga idealnim za profesionalce u pokretu, nudeći savršen spoj snage i prenosivosti za današnja dinamična radna okruženja, posebno kada koristite OLED zaslon.

Posjetite stranicu GPD Duo ovdje za više informacija.

22 komentari

  1. You mentioned on several different occasions that there will be 96Gb version in the IGG campaign. Wil this happen? If so would it be possible to release a 128Gb version instead. Yes, it will be more expensive but some of us will pay the extra to have that. Many of us are using your GPD machines as there main workstations with powerful eGPU:s so it makes sense. Maybe even a 256Gb version. This would make you stand out from the crowd .

    1. Details on RAM configurations will be announced in due course.

  2. You mentioned on several different occasions that there will be 96Gb version in the IGG campaign. Wil this happen? If so would it be possible to release a 128Gb version instead. Yes, it will be more expensive but some of us will pay the extra to have that. Many of us are using your GPD machines as there main workstations with powerful eGPU:s so it makes sense. Maybe even a 256Gb version. This would make you stand out from the crowd .

  3. When can we expect this to release?

    1. Pre-orders should be happening very soon, I would say likely in September. As for actual release date, we do not have a date yet but I would expect it to be around November to December if the pre-orders start in the next month.

  4. When can we expect this to release?

  5. Any information if GPD will enable Raid0 in BIOS for the two m.2 slots? Would be great to double the speed of two 4Tb Samsung 990 Pro SSD.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Thank you for your question! As of now, we do not have confirmed information regarding whether RAID 0 will be enabled in the BIOS for the two M.2 slots in GPD devices. However, it’s an excellent suggestion, and we’ve already forwarded your query to GPD. We’ll update you as soon as we receive more details on this matter.

      Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for more updates!

  6. Any information if GPD will enable Raid0 in BIOS for the two m.2 slots? Would be great to double the speed of two 4Tb Samsung 990 Pro SSD.

    Thanks in advance

  7. When a PC mode phone is plugged into the USB-C (AMOLED 2) × 1, supporting DP ALT Mode, can the DUO keyboard and trackpad be used to control the phone PC display?

    1. Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
      The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
      This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
      We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.

      1. Thank you for the articulate response.

      2. Thank you for the articulate response.

    2. Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
      The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
      This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
      We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.

      1. Thank you for the articulate response.

  8. When a PC mode phone is plugged into the USB-C (AMOLED 2) × 1, supporting DP ALT Mode, can the DUO keyboard and trackpad be used to control the phone PC display?

    1. Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
      The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
      This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
      We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  9. Hi

    Any news regarding the release?

    1. We will have some news one pre-orders and an estimated release date tomorrow. Check back on our blog here for the news!

  10. Hi

    Any news regarding the release?

  11. Isn’t there anything that you can tell us regarding the ram size? That should be to big of a secret I think. Many of the specifications are already public information.

    1. We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.

      1. Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?

    2. We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.

      1. Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?

        1. The RAM is soldered in, it is pretty much standard for these devices.

        2. The RAM is soldered in, it is pretty much standard for these devices.

      2. Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?

        1. The RAM is soldered in, it is pretty much standard for these devices.

  12. Isn’t there anything that you can tell us regarding the ram size? That should be to big of a secret I think. Many of the specifications are already public information.

    1. We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.

      1. Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?

  13. Rob Gordon

    Question regarding the secondary display use case. Can you use the main laptop screen and the secondary screen at the same time when the secondary screen is plugged into a device?

    For instance, if my phone is plugged in the second screen, do I still have the function of the laptop as well for the main screen?

    1. We can confirm that you can use Windows on the bottom monitor and have an external device in the top monitor and use them at the same time.

  14. Rob Gordon

    Question regarding the secondary display use case. Can you use the main laptop screen and the secondary screen at the same time when the secondary screen is plugged into a device?

    For instance, if my phone is plugged in the second screen, do I still have the function of the laptop as well for the main screen?

  15. Will there be a cover for outside screen just in case you want to use the inside screen without exposing the outside screen to outside world
    That would make it a good all purpose laptop
    Using it normally but removing the backcover and propping up the 2nd screen whenvevr needed

    1. As far as we know there will be no cover for the top half of the screen. The way the screens fold to close means there is not much room for a top screen case and probably would not close properly with it on. As a note, there is a keyboard key to switch off/on the top screen.

  16. Will there be a cover for outside screen just in case you want to use the inside screen without exposing the outside screen to outside world
    That would make it a good all purpose laptop
    Using it normally but removing the backcover and propping up the 2nd screen whenvevr needed

  17. You mentioned on several different occasions that there will be 96Gb version in the IGG campaign. Wil this happen? If so would it be possible to release a 128Gb version instead. Yes, it will be more expensive but some of us will pay the extra to have that. Many of us are using your GPD machines as there main workstations with powerful eGPU:s so it makes sense. Maybe even a 256Gb version. This would make you stand out from the crowd .

    1. Details on RAM configurations will be announced in due course.

    2. Details on RAM configurations will be announced in due course.

  18. When can we expect this to release?

    1. Pre-orders should be happening very soon, I would say likely in September. As for actual release date, we do not have a date yet but I would expect it to be around November to December if the pre-orders start in the next month.

    2. Pre-orders should be happening very soon, I would say likely in September. As for actual release date, we do not have a date yet but I would expect it to be around November to December if the pre-orders start in the next month.

  19. Any information if GPD will enable Raid0 in BIOS for the two m.2 slots? Would be great to double the speed of two 4Tb Samsung 990 Pro SSD.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Thank you for your question! As of now, we do not have confirmed information regarding whether RAID 0 will be enabled in the BIOS for the two M.2 slots in GPD devices. However, it’s an excellent suggestion, and we’ve already forwarded your query to GPD. We’ll update you as soon as we receive more details on this matter.

      Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for more updates!

    2. Thank you for your question! As of now, we do not have confirmed information regarding whether RAID 0 will be enabled in the BIOS for the two M.2 slots in GPD devices. However, it’s an excellent suggestion, and we’ve already forwarded your query to GPD. We’ll update you as soon as we receive more details on this matter.

      Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for more updates!

  20. When a PC mode phone is plugged into the USB-C (AMOLED 2) × 1, supporting DP ALT Mode, can the DUO keyboard and trackpad be used to control the phone PC display?

    1. Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
      The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
      This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
      We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  21. Hi

    Any news regarding the release?

    1. We will have some news one pre-orders and an estimated release date tomorrow. Check back on our blog here for the news!

    2. We will have some news one pre-orders and an estimated release date tomorrow. Check back on our blog here for the news!

  22. Isn’t there anything that you can tell us regarding the ram size? That should be to big of a secret I think. Many of the specifications are already public information.

    1. We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.

  23. Rob Gordon

    Question regarding the secondary display use case. Can you use the main laptop screen and the secondary screen at the same time when the secondary screen is plugged into a device?

    For instance, if my phone is plugged in the second screen, do I still have the function of the laptop as well for the main screen?

    1. We can confirm that you can use Windows on the bottom monitor and have an external device in the top monitor and use them at the same time.

    2. We can confirm that you can use Windows on the bottom monitor and have an external device in the top monitor and use them at the same time.

  24. Will there be a cover for outside screen just in case you want to use the inside screen without exposing the outside screen to outside world
    That would make it a good all purpose laptop
    Using it normally but removing the backcover and propping up the 2nd screen whenvevr needed

    1. As far as we know there will be no cover for the top half of the screen. The way the screens fold to close means there is not much room for a top screen case and probably would not close properly with it on. As a note, there is a keyboard key to switch off/on the top screen.

    2. As far as we know there will be no cover for the top half of the screen. The way the screens fold to close means there is not much room for a top screen case and probably would not close properly with it on. As a note, there is a keyboard key to switch off/on the top screen.


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