Is féidir leat freagraí a fháil ar go leor ceisteanna coitianta a chuireann ár gcuairteoirí orainn nó a chuardaíonn muid. Déantar an GPD Pocket 4 Ceisteanna Coitianta seo a nuashonrú go rialta le Q &A nua.
Frequently Asked Questions #
Póca GPD 4 #
- Cén bharántas a fhaigheann tú nuair a cheannaíonn tú an GPD Pocket 4?
Faigheann tú baránta dhá bhliain agus tú ag ceannach ó GPD Store, ní fhéadfaidh díoltóirí eile ach bliain amháin a sholáthar.
- Cad iad na cainteoirí GPD Pocket 4 cosúil le
Tagann an GPD Pocket 4 le cainteoirí ultra-líneacha dé-thógtha 2W, ag seachadadh cumhacht fuaime na glúine roimhe seo faoi dhó. Tacaíonn na cainteoirí agus na cluasáin araon le teicneolaíocht fuaime DTS Ultra, ag cruthú eispéireas fuaime timpeall 7.1-chainéil insamhladh le haghaidh fuaime tumtha, ar chaighdeán pictiúrlainne.
- Cad iad sonraíochtaí ceamara GPD Pocket 4
Tá ceamara ardghléine 2.5K ag ceamara tógtha GPD Pocket 4.
- An dtacaíonn an GPD Pocket 4 le Windows Hello?
Tacaíonn an GPD Pocket 4 Windows Hello tríd an scanóir méarloirg le fáil ar an gcnaipe cumhachta.
- Cé mhéad níos tapúla atá an Ryzen 9 AI HX 370 ná an Ryzen 7 8840?
Beidh feidhmíocht éagsúil ag brath ar na bogearraí a úsáidtear ach tríd is tríd tá an HX 370 níos fearr ná an 8840. Mar shampla i Geekbench 6 feicimid feabhas 133% agus 24% ar fheidhmíocht aonair agus il-lárnach faoi seach.
- Cé chomh tapa is atá modúl cárta SD GPD Pocket 4?
Tá luas léitheoireachta 160MB / s agus luas scríofa 120MB / s ag modúl cárta GPD Pocket 4 Micro SD.
- Cad é feidhmíocht AI GPD Pocket 4?
Tá LAP / GPU / NPU comhcheangailte ag an GPD Pocket 4 de 80 TOPS. Agus leis an GPD G1 tá 108 TOPS san iomlán aige.
- Cad as a ndéantar comhlacht GPD Pocket 4?
Tá comhlacht alúmanaim iomlán sraith 6061 ag an Pocket 4 atá crafted le dearadh Unibody Apple trí mheaisínithe beachtais CNC. Déantar an próiseas chamfering a mheilt go meticulously chun burrs a bhaint, agus tugann snasú agus gaineamh uigeacht réidh, cosúil le gloine don dromchla. Dáileann éifeacht ribeach dath go cothrom isteach san ábhar, agus cuireann anodizing ciseal ultra-chosanta. Déantar an corp a scagadh tuilleadh le snasú púdar iarainn maighnéadaithe, ag baint réidh cosúil le jade amach. Le cóireálacha layered 36, comhcheanglaíonn an Pocket 4 tógáil éadrom le durabi iontach
- Cad é cumas ceallraí an GPD Pocket 4?
Tá ceallraí 45Wh ag an GPD Pocket 4. Beidh saol ceallraí éagsúil ag brath ar úsáid ach is féidir leat a bheith ag súil le athsheinm físe 9 uair an chloig.
- Cad é méid agus meáchan GPD Pocket 4? An bhfuil sé iniompartha?
Tomhaiseann an GPD Pocket 4 8.14 x 5.68 x 0.87 orlach (20.6 x 14.4 x 2.22 cm) agus meáchan 770g (1.69 lb). Tá sé thar a bheith iniompartha, feistithe isteach i mála beag.
- Cad iad na gnéithe cumarsáide a dtacaíonn an GPD Pocket 4 leo?
Tá calafort ethernet 2.5Gbps RJ45 ann le haghaidh nasc sreinge, agus le haghaidh Sreang tá WiFi 6E agus Bluetooth 5.3 tógtha isteach mar chaighdeán. Tá 4G LTE ar fáil freisin mar mhodúl LTE 4G a ceannaíodh ar leithligh.
- Cén próiseálaí atá ag an GPD Pocket 4?
Tá rogha de dhá phróiseálaí ann:
AMD Ryzen 9 AI HX 370 le AMD Radeon 890M don fheidhmíocht is airde
AMD Ryzen 7 8840U le AMD Raedon 780M bogearraí éilitheacha níos ísle
- Cad é sonraíocht agus wattage cuibheoir cumhachta GPD Pocket 4?
Tagann an GPD Pocket 4 le charger tapa 100W PD ag 20V / 5A. Is féidir é a recharge do GPD Pocket 4 go 50% i thart ar 30 nóiméad. Tacaíonn sé freisin le 100W PD Power Banks.
- Conas a láimhseálann an GPD Pocket 4 bainistíocht theirmeach faoi ualach?
Tá córas fuaraithe GPD Pocket 4 deartha le píopa teasa comhdhlúthaithe i bhfolús copair íon, eití doirteal teasa lán-chopair an-éifeachtach, agus lucht leanúna a bhfuil ultra-chiúin, cliste hiodrálacha orthu. Treisíonn an dearadh nua seo sreabhadh aeir 23% thar an nglúin roimhe seo, agus déanann córas rialaithe teochta cliste fuarú a choigeartú go dinimiciúil chun torann lucht leanúna a íoslaghdú, ag coinneáil an fheiste fionnuar agus ciúin. Le haghaidh úsáide oíche, is féidir modh “Ciúin” a ghníomhachtú tríd an méarchlár chun torann a laghdú agus chun cur isteach ar dhaoine eile a sheachaint.
- An dtacaíonn an GPD Pocket 4 le stylus?
Tacaíonn an GPD Pocket 4 le stylus capacative. Ní oibreoidh stylus Gníomhach cosúil leis an GPD Stylus ar an Pocket 4.
- Conas a láimhseálann an GPD Pocket 4 socruithe taispeána iolracha?
Is féidir leat ceangal le trí mhonatóir sheachtracha mar an DroiX PM14 tríd an HDMI 2.1 agus dhá chalafort USB-C. Leis an stáisiún nasctha GPD G1 eGPU is féidir leat ceangal le cúig thaispeántas sheachtracha; ceann amháin tríd an HDMI tógtha, agus trí cinn tríd an HDMI aonair GPD G1 agus dé-DisplayPort.
- Cad é an réiteach taispeána uasta GPD Pocket 4?
Tacaíonn taispeáint GPD Pocket 4 8.8 “144Hz suas le réiteach 2560×1600.
- An féidir an RAM agus an Stóráil a uasghrádú don GPD Pocket 4?
Ní féidir an RAM a uasghrádú mar go bhfuil sé sádráilte leis an mbord. Is féidir an stóráil a uasghrádú go 4TB agus capacaties níos airde theoriticaly nuair a bhíonn sé ar fáil. Is é an stóráil aon thaobh M.2 2280 SSD formáid.
- Cad iad na modúil atá ar fáil don GPD Pocket 4?
Tá feidhmiúlacht modúlach aige le modúil roghnacha cosúil le EIA RS-232, KVM aon-phort, léitheoir cárta microSD, agus leathnú LTE 4G. Foghlaim tuilleadh fúthu ar ár blog post ag
- An dtacaíonn GPD Pocket 4 le GPUanna seachtracha?
Sea, tacaíonn an calafort USB4 nascadh GPUanna seachtracha cosúil leis an GPD G1 stáisiún docking eGPU . Nóta: Níl calafort OCuLink ag an GPD Pocket 4.
- An dtacaíonn an GPD Pocket 4 le modh táibléid?
Sea, tá taispeáint rothlach ag an GPD Pocket 4 a ligeann dó athrú idir modhanna ríomhaire glúine agus táibléid.
- Cén córas oibriúcháin a ritheann an GPD Pocket 4?
Tagann an GPD Pocket 4 le Windows 11 Baile ceadúnaithe réamhshuiteáilte.
- Cad chuige a n-úsáidtear an port modúlach ar an GPD Pocket 4?
. Ceadaíonn an port modúlach feidhmiúlacht bhreise trí mhodúil roghnacha, mar shampla cumais RS-232 nó KVM (Méarchlár, Video, Luch). Foghlaim tuilleadh fúthu ag
- Cathain a sheolfar an GPD Pocket 4?
Níor fógraíodh aon dáta do sheoladh GPD Pocket 4. Táimid ag súil go seolfar é go luath in 2025, thart ar Eanáir/Feabhra. Nuair a bheidh dáta againn déanfaimid nuashonrú anseo chomh maith leis an leathanach liostaithe táirgí.
Can it play the sims 4 and inzoi
It can run Sims 4 just fine. Inzoi is not officially released yet, but we will try and check it out once it is in a few days.
what is the serviceability of the pocket 4, what is access to the ssd like, can the battery and fan be replaced?
do you think they might release an occulink module? maybe not enough bandwidth on the modular port?
We will see about doing a teardown video for the GPD Pocket 4, keep an eye on our blog for more news on this. I believe the bandwidth on the modular port is around USB speeds so it would not be possible to add support for OCuLink there.
is it possible to order battery and fan separately? what about screen hinge?
We do not have these available for order separately. But if you purchased from GPD Store then these are covered under the warranty for two years should they go wrong.
In “indiegogo” campaign the device doesn’t support GPD Stylus nor Surface Pen, but here in de FAQ it says the opposite. Is there any difference between the mini pc in the campaign and the one here in the shop, or a typo to be corrected? Thanks
Apologies for this. Some of the FAQs were based on predictions. With the GPD stylus it worked fine on Pocket 3, Duo etc so we assumed the Pocket 4 would also support an Active stylus. It will support Capacitive stylus.
Hi, Will we be able tune the bios setup to dedicate 24 GB or more to the GPU, so I can run bigger AI models?
I checked the BIOS and there is an option to allocated RAM to the GPU. We have the 32GB RAM model and it allows 0.5GB, 8GB and 16GB options. You would need 64GB RAM to do 24GB or higher by the looks of it.
I was guaranteed to buy this… Now that i know it doesn’t have oculink, and they didn’t even make a modular adapter for that… I WILL NOT BE BUYING, very sadly
(this human verification is useless and not allowing me to send my opinion)
The GPD Pocket 4 is not a gaming handheld, it is designed more for industry use. You can use USB 4 with an eGPU if needed. There is no doubt that GPD will release a gaming handheld version next year and we would expect it to have OCuLink.
if it’s designed for industry users and not housewifes then it’s very strange it has so-called “AI” features
I do not understand your point. Anyone can use AI, it can be used for something like text or image, video and voice generation, or even controlling smart home devices for example. It can be used in industry, home, office etc.
Does the display support VRR? Is it native portrait or landscape?
VRR is not supported, but it does have 144Hz refresh rate.
Can the TPD be increased beyond 28W? There are mini PCs being released with the full max 65W this APU supports, is there sufficient cooling to support that?
While nothing is confirmed yet we expect it to be able to be increased up to 54W TDP (possibly 60W TDP) as the GPD Duo does support this and the Pocket 4 will have the same CPU.
I’m seeing conflicting assertions of the max. RAM configuration- 64GB vs.32GB. Which one is correct?
Based on the information we have, it supports up to 64GB RAM and will also have an option for both 64GB and 32GB configurations.
Will the modules from the Pocket 3 work in the Pocket 4?
We do not have this information yet as the hardware is not finalised. We will hope to have this answer soon.
The Pocket 3 modules are apparently not compatible with the Pocket 4.
Is there any chance of an oculink port or Thunderbolt 5 implementation into the Pocket 4? Will the there be compatibility with a telescopic controller like the jawbone
No OcuLink support, but it will support USB 4 so you can connect an eGPU. This isn’t a gaming handheld, more for industry use which is probably why OCUlink is not included. Thunderbolt 5 is available in a few devices, but maybe a bit too early for adding to the Pocket 4, hopefully we see support in the next generation devices out next year. I do not follow telescopic controllers so I can’t answer this, if you can find one wide enough to fit then it should work. Personally I would rather use an external controller.