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GPD Pocket 3 FAQ

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You can find answers to many common questions we are asked or searched for by our visitors. This GPD Pocket 3 FAQ is regularly updated with new Q&A.

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GPD Pocket 3 #

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  1. RyanEmerick

    Can I use the oculink cable and graphics card on my GPd pocket 3 and if so how? I already have the kvm module installed using the HDMI and type c outputs for connection to monitor. Can I also put this on and use my quest 3 headset with it? Otherwise, if not it’s kind of pointless and not very helpful to me. Please let me know

    1. The GPD Pocket 3 (and Pocket 4) do not have OCuLink ports so you would not be able to connect via this method. You can however use the Pocket 3 USB connection but the performance would be more limited. We have not tried the Pocket 3 with any VR headsets as its not really a gaming device, instead aimed towards more professional work. You may have more luck with a GPD Win 4 or Win MAX 2 if you want OCuLink etc support.

  2. GPD Pocket3 Windows 11 (Ultimate版)のタブレットモードでスリープからの画面タッチで作業復帰出来る設定したいのですがどのようにすれば良いか教えてください。

    1. Pocket 3 で確認しましたが、残念ながらハードウェアはタッチによる起動をサポートしていません。Pocket 4 の試作版も試しましたが、これもサポートされていませんでした。

  3. Adrian Sauza Lopez

    Quisiera comprar un disco duro para ampliar el almacenamiento de 512 GB a 2 TB mi equipo es una GPD Pocket 3 N6000, si fueran tan amables de indicarme el modelo que les puedo comprar y que quede en dicho equipo gracias

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