Mini gripy GPD WIN

  • Oficiálne gripy GPD WIN Mini
  • Poskytovanie vynikajúceho držania
  • Pohodlie pri predĺžených sedeniach
  • Jednoduchá inštalácia a demontáž
  • Všetko v balení ; skrutky, skrutkovač a rukoväte

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2 roky záruky od DroiX Global pre váš pokoj


– Zákazníci zo Spojených štátov: Zobrazená cena zahŕňa všetky príslušné dane.
– Zákazníci z EÚ: V zobrazenej cene je zahrnutá platná DAŇ, ktorá môže byť až 25 % v závislosti od vašej krajiny.
– Zákazníci z Kanady: Zobrazená cena zahŕňa 5 % GST.


Zásielky organizuje spoločnosť DroiX, oficiálny distribútor GPD, a zasielame ich pomocou služby DHL Express DDP (Delivered Duty Paid). To znamená: Express DDP (Delivered Duty Paid). To znamená:
– Všetky clá a dane sú zahrnuté v cene zobrazenej na stránke produktu.
– Pri doručení nemusíte platiť žiadne ďalšie poplatky.
– V zriedkavých prípadoch problémov súvisiacich s colnými poplatkami sa náš tím postará o colné konanie vo vašom mene, aby sme zabezpečili bezproblémové doručenie. Dôležité informácie o vrátení tovaru:
– Ak sa rozhodnete vrátiť objednávku alebo požiadať o vrátenie peňazí z dôvodu zmeny názoru, upozorňujeme, že dane a clá zaplatené vo vašom mene v rámci podmienok DDP nie je možné vrátiť. Podrobné informácie nájdete v našich zmluvných podmienkach.

  • 1x GPD WIN Mini Grips

$29.94 inc.TAX

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GPD WIN Mini Grips Render
Mini gripy GPD WIN
$29.94 inc.TAX


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  • 30 dní jednoduchého vrátenia
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  • Objednajte si do 14.30 pre odoslanie v ten istý deň

    Gripy GPD WIN Mini – vylepšite svoj herný zážitok

    Vylepšite si svoj model GPD WIN Mini oficiálnymi rukoväťami GPD WIN Mini. Okrem toho, že sa vďaka nim bude GPD WIN Mini lepšie držať, môže váš GPD WIN Mini vyzerať o niečo štýlovejšie.

    Ďalšie informácie

    Hmotnosť 250 g
    Rozmery 15 × 15 × 6 cm

    Support information is not available for this product.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 9 reviews
    Daniel Grove
    Excellent ergonomics if not slightly inconvenient

    The ergonomic design is excellent, however having to screw them to the chassis and removing screws before you can place the Win Mini in it's case can be a little frustrating. The grips were well packaged and suitable screws and a screwdriver were provided. The 2025 model is a step up in terms of convenience.

    Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review for our GPD WIN Mini Grips. We're glad to hear that you find the ergonomic design excellent. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced with the screwing process. We'll definitely take your feedback into consideration for future improvements. We're happy to hear that you found the packaging and included screws and screwdriver suitable. Also, the 2025 model does offer added convenience, so we hope you'll give it a try. Thank you for choosing our product!

    Sander Zandwijk

    GPD WIN Mini Grips

    Thank you for your feedback on our GPD WIN Mini Grips! We're glad to hear that you are enjoying the product. If there's anything else we can assist you with, please don't hesitate to reach out. Happy gaming!

    Thomas Knight
    Great better if…

    Very comfortable- I wish I didn’t have to screw/ unscrew to take them off / on

    Thank you for your feedback on our GPD WIN Mini Grips. We are glad to hear that you find them very comfortable. We understand your concern about having to screw and unscrew to take them off and on. We will definitely take this into consideration for future improvements. Thank you for your support. Have a great day ahead!

    100% necessary

    the grips make it a lot more comfortable for gaming

    Thank you for your feedback! We are thrilled to hear that our GPD WIN Mini Grips have made your gaming experience more comfortable. We strive to provide products that enhance our customers' enjoyment, and we are glad to know that these grips have done just that for you. Happy gaming!

    Manuel M.
    Greatly increases comfort

    These grips are simple to install and greatly improve the overall comfort. They keep my hands away from the heat and allow me to play for hours without hand cramp. The only downsides are that they lower the portability of the mini and also are less comfortable when playing 2D d-pad games. Besides those types of games, any other games that mainly use the analog sticks greatly benefit from these grips. FYI, if you get these, don't forget to take the existing bottom screws out before installing the new longer screws.

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a review for our GPD WIN Mini Grips. We're thrilled to hear that they have greatly increased your comfort while playing. We understand your concern about the portability and comfort for 2D d-pad games, but we're glad to know that they work well for games that primarily use the analog sticks. Thank you for the helpful tip about the screws, we'll make sure to include that in our product instructions. Happy gaming!