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How To Update The GPD WIN Mini BIOS

4 min read

Are You Ready To Update Your GPD WIN Mini? #

Updating the BIOS on your GPD WIN Mini can potentially enhance its performance, stability, and compatibility. Whether you’re unsure where to start, need help identifying your model, or just want a quick refresher, this guide makes the process simple. We’ll walk you through each step on how to update the GPD WIN Mini BIOS, from formatting your USB drive to completing the installation.

If you intend to upgrade your GPD WIN Mini BIOS, please follow this guide carefully. Incorrect and improper use or deviation from the instructions may render your device inoperable. GPD Store assumes no responsibility for any damages incurred.

What Is the BIOS? #

The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is a crucial program installed on your GPD Win Mini motherboard. Its primary role is to ensure that all hardware and components are functioning correctly. It is also responsible for starting the operating system. While you may not typically interact with it, the BIOS is vital for ensuring your computer operates smoothly from the moment you turn it on. Keeping the BIOS up to date is essential for maintaining optimal performance and stability.

Identify which model of GPD WIN Mini you have #

The GPD WIN Mini comes in in a few models, each requiring specific firmware. To ensure you download the correct firmware, start by identifying your model by checking your device’s CPU.

  1. In the Windows search bar, enter “Task Manager” and press ENTER
  2. The Task Manager software will open. Click on the “Performance” icon on the left side
  3. Click on “CPU” if it is not already selected, and the CPU model will be displayed in the top right.
How to identify your CPU model
How to identify your CPU model

GPD WIN Mini 2023 – 7640U or 7840U CPU
GPD WIN Mini 2024 – 8840U CPU

In the example image above we have the 8840U model which is the GPD WIN Mini 2024 (8840U). Once confirmed, proceed to download the appropriate firmware for your model.

GPD WIN Mini 2023 (7640U/7840U) Firmware Update #

Download Firmware #

There are two methods to install the latest WIN Mini BIOS, depending on your device’s operating system:

  • EXE upgrade for Windows
  • EFI upgrade for Linux

This guide will cover both methods—using the .exe and .efi files for BIOS updates. You can find the latest BIOS update files below. Please ensure you download the correct file corresponding to your specific model and operating system.


Only for the GPD WIN Mini 2023 (7640U/7840U). Do not install it on any other device.

EXE V2.55 (Windows Upgrade)Download
EFI V2.55 (Linux Upgrade)Download

EXE Upgrade (Windows) #

When upgrading the BIOS on a Windows operating system, it is crucial to proceed carefully, as any mistakes or negligence during the process can cause damage to your device. Make sure you’ve downloaded the correct Windows upgrade file, and double-check that your device is plugged in and charging to avoid unintended interruptions.

With the correct files downloaded, follow these simple steps to run them and complete the upgrade process:

  1. Connect and charge your device using the supply power.
  2. Extract files.
    • Right-click the compressed folder and select Extract All.
  3. Copy Winmini.2.55.GPD.exe to the WIN Mini desktop.
  4. Run the .exe file.
  5. Press the Enter key to confirm and proceed.
  7. Wait for the installation process to complete.
  8. After a successful upgrade, the device will automatically restart.

EFI Upgrade (Linux) #

When upgrading the BIOS on a Linux operating system, the process is done through the EFI interface. Be cautious, as any mistakes or negligence during the upgrade can lead to device damage. Ensure you have downloaded the correct EFI upgrade file, and confirm that your device is plugged in and charging to avoid any interruptions.

Before starting, you will also need access to a PC and a USB flash drive to store the BIOS upgrade files. Once you have everything prepared, the next steps are simple:

  1. Extract files.
  2. Copy extracted files onto the USB drive.
  3. Charge your device using the supply power.
  4. Power off the device.
  5. Connect USB to the device.
  6. Power on the device whilst repeatedly pressing the F7 key to enter the EFI interface.
  7. Once you enter the interface, the upgrade process will automatically begin.
  8. Wait for the installation process to complete. DO NOT SWITCH OFF YOUR DEVICE
  9. After a successful upgrade, the device will automatically power off.
  10. Power on the device after waiting a short moment.

GPD WIN Mini 2024 (8840U) Firmware Update #

The GPD WIN Mini 2024 can only be updated via EFI. When upgrading the BIOS , the process is done through the EFI interface. Be cautious, as any mistakes or negligence during the upgrade can lead to device damage. Ensure you have downloaded the correct EFI upgrade file, and confirm that your device is plugged in and charging to avoid any interruptions.


Only for the GPD WIN Mini 2024 (8840U). Do not install it on any other device.

BIOS V1.06Download

Firmware Upgrade (EFI) #

Before starting, you will also need access to a PC and a USB flash drive to store the BIOS upgrade files. Once you have everything prepared, the next steps are simple:

  1. Power on the device after waiting a short moment.
  2. Extract files.
  3. Copy extracted files onto the USB drive.
  4. Charge your device using the supply power.
  5. Power off the device.
  6. Connect USB to the device.
  7. Power on the device whilst repeatedly pressing the F7 key to enter the EFI interface.
  8. Once you enter the interface, the upgrade process will automatically begin.
  9. Wait for the installation process to complete. DO NOT SWITCH OFF YOUR DEVICE
  10. After a successful upgrade, the device will automatically power off.

Testing & Troubleshooting #

We hope your BIOS upgrade was successful and your device is running smoothly. To ensure optimal performance, we recommend referring to our benchmarking and stress testing guide, which will help you evaluate the performance of your updated device.

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