

  • タッチスクリーンMacOS対応
  • タッチスクリーン対応付属スタイラス
  • 折りたたみ式モニタースタンド
  • ポータブルで軽量
  • USB給電、ミニHDMI、USB Type-C対応



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没入型4K UHDディスプレイ:輝きへのモバイルウィンドウ

15.6インチの4K UHDスクリーンで、息をのむような鮮明さを体験してください。G+Gフルラミネーション・タッチスクリーンと16:9のワイドスクリーンアスペクト比を誇るLEDバックライト技術により、鮮やかな色彩とシャープなコントラストを実現し、コンテンツをスクリーンから飛び立たせます。3840×2160の解像度と10ビットの色深度は、4Kメディアの視聴、写真の編集、グラフィックデザインプロジェクトに最適で、比類のないディテールを実現します。






スマートフォン、ノートパソコン、PlayStation 5やXboxなどのゲーム機と互換性のあるHDMI MiniポートとType Cポートで、ビデオや電源の転送が簡単に行えます。マイクロUSBポートを使えば、ワークステーションにも簡単に変身します。




10000 mAhのバッテリーを内蔵しており、外出先での作業やお気に入りの番組の視聴に最適な4~5時間の連続使用が可能です。コンパクトで軽量なので、バッグにすっぽり収まり、高解像度の生産性とエンターテインメントを常に手元で楽しむことができます。


マルチタスクのために画面の領域をシームレスに拡張したり、ゲーム機を接続して没入感のあるゲームプレイを楽しんだり、映画を見事な4K UHDディテールで楽しんだり-このモニターは、あらゆるタスクを卓越した体験に変えます。




フォトグラファーやグラフィックデザイナーに最適な4K UHD解像度と正確な色再現性により、忠実なビジュアルを実現します。sRGBを100%カバーし、10ビットの色深度により、最も目の肥えたプロフェッショナルの要求をも満たします。








  • 驚異的な4K UHDディスプレイ
  • 直感的なタッチスクリーン機能
  • 多彩な接続オプション
  • 軽量でポータブルなデザイン
  • 丈夫でスタイリッシュな作り


  • スタイラスペンは別売り
  • 長時間使用時のバッテリー寿命
  • 内蔵スピーカーはオーディオマニアの基準を満たしていない場合があります。


重さ 2500 g
サイズ 40 × 27 × 8 cm
Condition: 選択なし

再生品(クラスA), 再生品(クラスB), 新しい

Battery Capacity: 選択なし

10000 mAH

Brand: 選択なし

Aspect Ratio: 選択なし


Resolution: 選択なし

3840 x 2160

Size: 選択なし


Touchscreen: 選択なし


Contrast Ratio: 選択なし


I/O Audio: 選択なし


I/O USB: 選択なし

2x USB Type-C

I/O Video: 選択なし

1x ミニHDMI, 1x USB Type-C

Battery Life: 選択なし


Battery Type: 選択なし


Charging Time: 選択なし


Response Time: 選択なし


Support information is not available for this product.

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Patrik Grönblad
Bra 4K arbetsskärm om man är på resande fot.

Har haft skärmen till min laptop som extra skärm. Intrycken är: 4K skärm är utmärkt, fungerar praktiskt bäst med inställning runt 150% på teckenstorlek. Bra med ingångar, hdmi är av typ mini samt USB-c - kablar följer med till dessa. Min laptop kan driva skärmen, drar mellan 8-14W och batteriet klarar kanske 5-6 timmar med hyggligt ljus skärm. Bra betrakningsvinklar. Ljudet i högtalarna är det enda som drar ner betyget, klart skränigare än t.ex en normal mobiltelefon, men det fungerar - och finns hörlursuttag. Inställningsmöjligheter helt ok, dock en oskön multiknapp, så inget man vilar fingret på i onödan. Bra skyddspärm/uppställningslägen. Blir inte varm. Pekfunktion har inte testas mer än att den finns där - med usb-c ingången, jag hade skyddsplasten på, och det begränsade nog funktionaliteten. Summeringen är: en utmärkt resekamrat till laptopen som arbetsstation som ger en relativ informationsutökning på - i praktiken - som 2st 16” full-hd laptopskärmar till.

Tack för din omtänksamma recension! Vi är glada att höra att du njuter av den utmärkta 4K-skärmen, bra betraktningsvinklar och övergripande funktionalitet på skärmen som en fantastisk resesällskap för din bärbara dator. Vi uppskattar din feedback om högtalarna och knappdesignen – vi letar alltid efter sätt att förbättra.

Om du någon gång behöver hjälp eller har några frågor om pekfunktionen eller andra funktioner är du välkommen att kontakta vårt supportteam. Vi hjälper gärna till! Tack igen för ditt stöd.

Michael Weedon
Nearly great!

The screen, battery and touch features of this monitor are all brilliant. The menu control system is dismally bad
That's true of pretty much all monitors, but that doesn't excuse this one.

Thank you for your valuable feedback. We're glad to hear that you appreciate the screen, battery, and touch features of the monitor. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the menu control system. Please know that we take this matter very seriously, as any issues with the menu button are considered a quality concern.
Our support team has reached out to you to gather additional details about this issue, and we'll work diligently to resolve it. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we appreciate your patience as we address the matter.

Graham Wrightson
Excellent monitor

The screen is very reflective, however so is the screen on my laptop. I haven't found it a problem and on the plus side the text is extremely crisp and sharp.
Another potential downside is that the monitor doesn't charge the laptop through the USB-C connection and the laptop doesn't charge it, so potentially you need to have bothe plugged ito the mains separatly as well as linked. However I knew this before I purchased it so can't deduct a star. On the plus side I used the monitor for 7hrs straight on battery and the battery symbol only dropped from 3 to 2bars after over 5 hrs, so I can get a full days work without plugging it in.
I also like the widescreen format which is good for having two documents or explorer windows side by side, and the quality of the 4K screen makes this very workable. In MS Windows you just need to go into 'Display Settings' and change the Display Scale to optimise the text size.
Finally I would mention that I needed to contact DroiX on a different product I purchased, and their customer service was excellent.
I am very impressed with the monitor and really pleased with my purchase. I would recomend the monitor and DroiX. 5 Stars.

Thank you for taking the time to leave such a detailed and positive review for our 15.6' 4K portable monitor with Adobe RGB. We greatly appreciate your feedback and are glad to hear that you are enjoying the crisp and sharp display.

We apologize for any inconvenience regarding the USB-C charging and are happy to hear that the battery life is satisfactory. We also appreciate your mention of our customer service and are glad to know that we were able to assist you with your previous purchase.

Thank you for recommending our monitor and brand. We are thrilled to have you as a satisfied customer and hope to continue providing you with excellent products and services.

Cem Kizilcik
Does not power from laptop like others

The most disappointing part is that it has to be powered from socket not directly from laptop when it’s connected to laptop by usb-c. The other portable monitors do that.

Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns regarding our 15.6 4K portable monitor with stylus support. We understand the convenience of powering the monitor directly through the laptop via a USB-C cable and we're sorry for any disappointment caused by this aspect.

To clarify, not all laptops may have the capacity to provide both the necessary power for the device to function properly and data transfer concurrently. This varied capacity largely depends on the specifications of the particular laptop in use.

In our testing, we have observed that our monitor does work through a single USB-C when connected to a MacBook. However, due to the varied technical specifications of different laptops, we do not widely advertise this capability in order to avoid confusion or false expectations. This is why we recommend powering the monitor through a power socket.

Once again, we apologize if this was not clarified at the point of purchase and caused any inconvenience. We appreciate your feedback and patience.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Sophia Johnson
Bonito monitor porttil para mi porttil, ntido y claro.

Este monitor es simplemente excepcional! Fabricado con aluminio y equipado con una impresionante resolucin y pantalla tctil, adems de una batera que lo hace an ms verstil. Y todo esto a un precio que es difcil de superar. Pero lo ms destacable es el excelente servicio de atencin al cliente que me gui paso a paso para configurarlo en Windows segn mis necesidades. Una recomendacin absoluta.