GPD Duo fartölva og spjaldtölva með tvöföldum skjá

GPD Duo: Hin fullkomna tveggja skjáa OLED fartölva sem fellur saman og þróast

GPD Duo, háþróuð ultrabook fartölva með tvöföldum 13.3 tommu AMOLED snertiskjáum í einstakri þrískiptri hönnun, sem býður notendum upp á víðfeðman 18 tommu skjá þegar hann er að fullu framlengdur. Þessi tveggja skjás fartölva er knúin af AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 örgjörva og Radeon 890M GPU og státar af glæsilegum forskriftum, þar á meðal allt að 64GB af vinnsluminni, 4TB SSD geymsluplássi og öflugum pennastuðningi, sem staðsetur hana sem fjölhæft tæki fyrir framleiðni, sköpunargáfu og leiki.

Nýstárleg hönnun með tveimur skjám

Nýstárleg tveggja skjáa hönnun GPD Duo aðgreinir hann á ultrabook markaðnum. Fartölvan með tvöföldum skjám fyrir fyrirtæki er með tveimur 13.3 tommu Samsung OLED spjöldum, sem hver um sig státar af 2880 x 1800 pixla upplausn og pixlaþéttleika 255 PPI Þessir skjáir bjóða upp á einstaka litanákvæmni með 100% Adobe RGB og 133% sRGB litasviðsþekju, sem gerir þá tilvalna fyrir faglega hönnunarvinnu

Dual Screen aðgerð á GPD Duo
Dual Screen aðgerð á GPD Duo

Einstök þríbrotin hönnun með tvöföldum lamir, þar á meðal 360 gráðu löm fyrir efri skjáinn, gerir ráð fyrir fjölhæfum notkunarstillingum, sem gerir það að verkum að það virkar á áhrifaríkan hátt sem bæði spjaldtölva og tölva. Þegar hann er að fullu framlengdur býður GPD Duo upp á víðfeðman 18 tommu lóðréttan skjá, en aukaskjárinn getur brotnað saman fyrir aftan aðalskjáinn til að breytast í hefðbundna fartölvu eða spjaldtölvulíkt tæki Þessi sveigjanleiki, ásamt lyklaborðinu í fullri stærð og venjulegu stýripúðanum, eykur framleiðni og aðlögunarhæfni í ýmsum vinnuaðstæðum.

GPD Duo OLED skjár
GPD Duo OLED skjár

Kraftmikill árangur sérstakur

Það verða tvær gerðir af GPU Duo með mismunandi örgjörvavalkostum. Sá fyrsti er AMD Ryzen 7 8440U með 780M GPU. Hann hefur 8 CPU kjarna og 16 þræði allt að 5.1GHz. Það hefur verið farsæll örgjörvi sem þegar hefur verið notaður í 2024 gerðum af GPD vörum, þar á meðal Win 4, Win MAX 2 og Win Mini.

Önnur GPD Duo gerðin er knúin áfram af háþróaðri Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 örgjörva AMD, byggður á 4nm ferli með Zen 5 arkitektúrnum. Þessi 12 kjarna (4 Zen5+ og 8 Zen5c kjarna) örgjörvi státar af hámarks uppörvunarklukku upp á 5.1 GHz og 36.75 MB af skyndiminni Innbyggði Radeon 890M GPU er með 16 reiknieiningar (CU) með 1024 straumörgjörvum (SPs) og 2.9 GHz uppörvunarklukku Í viðmiðum passar örgjörvinn að sögn við skjáborðið Ryzen 9 7950X í einkjarna Cinebench 2024 stigum og stendur sig betur en Ryzen 9 5950X í fjölkjarna prófum

AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 örgjörvi
AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 örgjörvi

GPU sýnir 36% frammistöðuaukningu frá forvera sínum, sem fer fram úr NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050 (farsíma) í 3DMark Time Spy stigum Að auki inniheldur örgjörvinn XDNA 2 arkitektúr NPU AMD, sem skilar 50 TOPS af gervigreindartölvukrafti, sem stuðlar að heildarafköstum gervigreindar kerfisins upp á 80 TOPS í þessari gervigreindartölvu. Þessi samsetning af örgjörva, GPU og gervigreindargetu staðsetur GPD Duo sem orkuver fyrir krefjandi verkefni, þar á meðal leiki, efnissköpun og gervigreindarhröðuð forrit.

Afkastamikið minni og geymsluvalkostir

GPD Duo býður upp á einstakt minni og geymslumöguleika til að mæta krefjandi tölvuþörfum. 8840 U gerðin er með 16GB vinnsluminni og HX 380 hefur val um 32GB eða 64GB af LPDDR5x vinnsluminni sem er klukkað á 7,500 MT/s, sem tryggir hnökralausa fjölverkavinnslu og skilvirka meðhöndlun á flóknu verkflæði sem er dæmigert fyrir tvöfalda skjáuppsetningu.

Hratt LPDDR5X vinnsluminni
Hratt LPDDR5X vinnsluminni

Til geymslu er fartölvan með tvöföldum M.2 2280 raufum sem styðja PCIe Gen4x4 SSD diska, þar sem hver rauf rúmar allt að 8TB, sem gerir hámarksgetu upp á 16TB Þessi víðfeðmi geymslumöguleiki gerir notendum kleift að bera mikið magn af gögnum án þess að skerða hraða. Afkastamikla minnið getur úthlutað allt að 16GB sem VRAM, sem gagnast gervigreindarforritum og leikjaafköstum

Með þessum forskriftum er GPD Duo vel í stakk búinn til að takast á við auðlindafrek verkefni eins og 3D flutning, keyra margar sýndarvélar og hágæða leiki án flöskuhálsa í afköstum.

Fjölhæft tengival þar á meðal USB 4 og OCuLink

GPD Duo státar af glæsilegu úrvali af I/O tengjum, sem býður upp á fjölhæfni fyrir ýmsar tengiþarfir. Hann er með USB4 tengi með 40 Gbps bandbreidd, DisplayPort 2.1 Alt Mode og 100W USB Power Delivery stuðningi. Fartölvan inniheldur einnig OCuLink tengi, sem veitir 64 Gbps bandbreidd fyrir ytri GPU tengingar eins og GPD G1 eGPU tengikví eða háhraða gagnaflutninga. Fyrir myndbandsúttak er GPD Duo búinn HDMI 2.1 tengi, sem gerir 4K upplausn við háan hressingarhraða, samhæft við nútíma OLED skjái og flytjanlega skjái eins og DroiX PM14.

GDP Duo með tveimur skjáum fyrir quad skjá
GDP Duo með tveimur skjáum fyrir quad skjá

Að auki býður það upp á USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C tengi með 10 Gbps hraða og DisplayPort 1.4 Alt Mode, tvö USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A tengi og sérstakt USB-C tengi fyrir myndbandsinntak á annan skjáinn, sem gerir honum kleift að virka sem flytjanlegur skjár fyrir önnur tæki. Þetta yfirgripsmikla tengival tryggir að GPD Duo geti hýst fjölbreytt úrval jaðartækja og notkunartilvika, allt frá afkastamiklum ytri skjáum til hraðvirkra gagnaflutninga og ytri GPU uppsetningar.

Alhliða þráðlaus tenging

GPD Duo býður upp á alhliða tengimöguleika til að tryggja að notendur haldist tengdir í ýmsum umhverfi. Hann er með innbyggt 2.5G Ethernet tengi með RJ45 tengi, sem veitir hraðari og stöðugri netaðgang fyrir bandbreiddarfrek verkefni eins og leiki, straumspilun myndbanda og stóra skráaflutninga. Fyrir þráðlausa tengingu er lítil fartölvan búin Wi-Fi 6E stuðningi, sem tryggir háhraða og litla leynd tengingar yfir mörg netumhverfi.

Að auki inniheldur GPD Duo Bluetooth 5.3 tækni, sem gerir óaðfinnanlega pörun kleift við allt að 255 tæki og eykur fjölhæfni fyrir jaðartengingar í tölvuumhverfi. Þessi samsetning af þráðlausri og þráðlausri tækni gerir GPD Duo aðlögunarhæfan að fjölbreyttum netþörfum, allt frá skrifstofuumhverfi sem krefst stöðugra Ethernet-tenginga til farsímasviðsmynda sem njóta góðs af nýjustu Wi-Fi og Bluetooth stöðlum.

Háþróað kælikerfi með tvöföldum viftum

GPD Duo er með háþróað kælikerfi sem er hannað til að viðhalda hámarksafköstum, jafnvel við mikið vinnuálag. Kerfið er með tvöfaldri hitapípudreifingarhönnun ásamt tvöföldum viftum og tryggir alhliða kælingu yfir tækið Túrbóvifta í miklu magni er tileinkuð kælingu örgjörvans, en önnur vifta stjórnar móðurborðinu og öðrum íhlutum Þessi tvöföldu viftuuppsetning gerir GPD Duo kleift að viðhalda svala sínum á skilvirkan hátt, sem gerir tvöföldum skjá fyrir vinnu kleift að leysa úr læðingi hámarksafköst sín með 60W TDP (Thermal Design Power)

GPD Duo kæling
GPD Duo kæling

Öfluga kælilausnin er sérstaklega mikilvæg fyrir GPD Duo, þar sem hún styður öflugan AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 örgjörva og Radeon 890M GPU, sem gerir notendum kleift að nýta tvískjásgetuna að fullu fyrir krefjandi verkefni eins og leiki, gervigreindarvinnslu og að keyra margar sýndarvélar án hitauppstreymis

Langvarandi kraftafköst

GPD Duo er búinn umtalsverðri 80Wh rafhlöðu, hönnuð til að veita lengri notkunartíma þrátt fyrir öflugan vélbúnað. Samkvæmt GPD getur fartölvan náð allt að 30.2 klukkustunda rafhlöðuendingu við sérstakar aðstæður, svo sem að nota 150 nits birtustig skjásins í hljóðlausri stillingu með netið aftengt Hins vegar er líklegt að líftími rafhlöðunnar sé breytilegur eftir notkunarmynstri og stillingum. Fyrir dæmigerða notkun heldur GPD því fram að rafhlaðan geti varað í um 6-8 klukkustundir

GPD Duo myndbandsinntak frá ytri tækjum
GPD Duo myndbandsinntak frá ytri tækjum

Litla fartölvan styður einnig 100W PD hraðhleðslu, sem gerir kleift að endurhlaða hratt þegar þörf krefur Þessi samsetning af mikilli rafhlöðugetu og hraðhleðslugetu miðar að því að tryggja að GPD Duo geti mætt kröfum fagfólks sem krefst langvarandi framleiðni án tíðs aðgangs að rafmagnsinnstungum.

GPD Duo – fjölhæf kraftmikil fartölva

GPD Duo sker sig úr sem fjölhæft kraftaverk, sem býður upp á óviðjafnanlegan sveigjanleika og afköst í þéttum formstuðli. Tvöfaldir 13.3 tommu OLED snertiskjáir hans veita víðfeðmt 18 tommu vinnusvæði þegar það er að fullu stækkað, sem eykur framleiðni í ýmsum umhverfi með 10 punkta snertigetu. Háþróaður AMD Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 örgjörvi, ásamt Radeon 890M GPU, skilar framúrskarandi afköstum fyrir krefjandi verkefni, sem keppa við skjáborðskerfi, sérstaklega í tvöföldum skjáuppsetningum. Með allt að 64GB af vinnsluminni og 4TB geymsluplássi meðhöndlar það auðlindafrek forrit á auðveldan hátt

GPD Duo í spjaldtölvuham
GPD Duo í spjaldtölvuham

Gervigreindargeta tækisins, sem státar af 80 TOPS af afköstum, flýtir fyrir verkefnum í efnissköpun, gagnagreiningu og vélanámi og staðsetur það sem leiðandi gervigreindartölvu. Hvort sem þú ert heima fyrir skapandi verkefni, á skrifstofunni fyrir fjölverkavinnsla eða á ferðalögum, þá aðlagast fjölhæf hönnun GPD Duo þörfum notenda, svipað og Microsoft Surface.

Öflugir tengimöguleikar þess, þar á meðal USB4, OCuLink og Wi-Fi 6E, tryggja óaðfinnanlega samþættingu við ýmis jaðartæki og net Langvarandi rafhlaðan og hraðhleðslustuðningurinn gera hana tilvalin fyrir fagfólk á ferðinni og býður upp á fullkomna blöndu af krafti og flytjanleika fyrir kraftmikið vinnuumhverfi nútímans, sérstaklega þegar OLED skjár er notaður.

Farðu á GPD Duo síðuna hér til að fá frekari upplýsingar.


  1. You mentioned on several different occasions that there will be 96Gb version in the IGG campaign. Wil this happen? If so would it be possible to release a 128Gb version instead. Yes, it will be more expensive but some of us will pay the extra to have that. Many of us are using your GPD machines as there main workstations with powerful eGPU:s so it makes sense. Maybe even a 256Gb version. This would make you stand out from the crowd .

    1. Details on RAM configurations will be announced in due course.

  2. You mentioned on several different occasions that there will be 96Gb version in the IGG campaign. Wil this happen? If so would it be possible to release a 128Gb version instead. Yes, it will be more expensive but some of us will pay the extra to have that. Many of us are using your GPD machines as there main workstations with powerful eGPU:s so it makes sense. Maybe even a 256Gb version. This would make you stand out from the crowd .

  3. When can we expect this to release?

    1. Pre-orders should be happening very soon, I would say likely in September. As for actual release date, we do not have a date yet but I would expect it to be around November to December if the pre-orders start in the next month.

  4. When can we expect this to release?

  5. Any information if GPD will enable Raid0 in BIOS for the two m.2 slots? Would be great to double the speed of two 4Tb Samsung 990 Pro SSD.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Thank you for your question! As of now, we do not have confirmed information regarding whether RAID 0 will be enabled in the BIOS for the two M.2 slots in GPD devices. However, it’s an excellent suggestion, and we’ve already forwarded your query to GPD. We’ll update you as soon as we receive more details on this matter.

      Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for more updates!

  6. Any information if GPD will enable Raid0 in BIOS for the two m.2 slots? Would be great to double the speed of two 4Tb Samsung 990 Pro SSD.

    Thanks in advance

  7. When a PC mode phone is plugged into the USB-C (AMOLED 2) × 1, supporting DP ALT Mode, can the DUO keyboard and trackpad be used to control the phone PC display?

    1. Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
      The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
      This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
      We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.

      1. Thank you for the articulate response.

      2. Thank you for the articulate response.

    2. Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
      The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
      This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
      We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.

      1. Thank you for the articulate response.

  8. When a PC mode phone is plugged into the USB-C (AMOLED 2) × 1, supporting DP ALT Mode, can the DUO keyboard and trackpad be used to control the phone PC display?

    1. Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
      The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
      This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
      We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  9. Hi

    Any news regarding the release?

    1. We will have some news one pre-orders and an estimated release date tomorrow. Check back on our blog here for the news!

  10. Hi

    Any news regarding the release?

  11. Isn’t there anything that you can tell us regarding the ram size? That should be to big of a secret I think. Many of the specifications are already public information.

    1. We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.

      1. Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?

    2. We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.

      1. Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?

        1. The RAM is soldered in, it is pretty much standard for these devices.

        2. The RAM is soldered in, it is pretty much standard for these devices.

      2. Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?

        1. The RAM is soldered in, it is pretty much standard for these devices.

  12. Isn’t there anything that you can tell us regarding the ram size? That should be to big of a secret I think. Many of the specifications are already public information.

    1. We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.

      1. Any news on the RAM being soldered in or is there a chance it might be LPCAMM2, dual or single ?!?!?

  13. Question regarding the secondary display use case. Can you use the main laptop screen and the secondary screen at the same time when the secondary screen is plugged into a device?

    For instance, if my phone is plugged in the second screen, do I still have the function of the laptop as well for the main screen?

    1. We can confirm that you can use Windows on the bottom monitor and have an external device in the top monitor and use them at the same time.

  14. Question regarding the secondary display use case. Can you use the main laptop screen and the secondary screen at the same time when the secondary screen is plugged into a device?

    For instance, if my phone is plugged in the second screen, do I still have the function of the laptop as well for the main screen?

  15. Will there be a cover for outside screen just in case you want to use the inside screen without exposing the outside screen to outside world
    That would make it a good all purpose laptop
    Using it normally but removing the backcover and propping up the 2nd screen whenvevr needed

    1. As far as we know there will be no cover for the top half of the screen. The way the screens fold to close means there is not much room for a top screen case and probably would not close properly with it on. As a note, there is a keyboard key to switch off/on the top screen.

  16. Will there be a cover for outside screen just in case you want to use the inside screen without exposing the outside screen to outside world
    That would make it a good all purpose laptop
    Using it normally but removing the backcover and propping up the 2nd screen whenvevr needed

  17. You mentioned on several different occasions that there will be 96Gb version in the IGG campaign. Wil this happen? If so would it be possible to release a 128Gb version instead. Yes, it will be more expensive but some of us will pay the extra to have that. Many of us are using your GPD machines as there main workstations with powerful eGPU:s so it makes sense. Maybe even a 256Gb version. This would make you stand out from the crowd .

    1. Details on RAM configurations will be announced in due course.

    2. Details on RAM configurations will be announced in due course.

  18. When can we expect this to release?

    1. Pre-orders should be happening very soon, I would say likely in September. As for actual release date, we do not have a date yet but I would expect it to be around November to December if the pre-orders start in the next month.

    2. Pre-orders should be happening very soon, I would say likely in September. As for actual release date, we do not have a date yet but I would expect it to be around November to December if the pre-orders start in the next month.

  19. Any information if GPD will enable Raid0 in BIOS for the two m.2 slots? Would be great to double the speed of two 4Tb Samsung 990 Pro SSD.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Thank you for your question! As of now, we do not have confirmed information regarding whether RAID 0 will be enabled in the BIOS for the two M.2 slots in GPD devices. However, it’s an excellent suggestion, and we’ve already forwarded your query to GPD. We’ll update you as soon as we receive more details on this matter.

      Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for more updates!

    2. Thank you for your question! As of now, we do not have confirmed information regarding whether RAID 0 will be enabled in the BIOS for the two M.2 slots in GPD devices. However, it’s an excellent suggestion, and we’ve already forwarded your query to GPD. We’ll update you as soon as we receive more details on this matter.

      Thanks for your patience and stay tuned for more updates!

  20. When a PC mode phone is plugged into the USB-C (AMOLED 2) × 1, supporting DP ALT Mode, can the DUO keyboard and trackpad be used to control the phone PC display?

    1. Thank you for your question about the GPD Duo’s functionality when connected to a PC mode phone. Here’s the official response from the manufacturer:
      The GPD Duo’s secondary AMOLED screen (AMOLED 2) can indeed function as an external display for a PC mode phone when connected via the USB-C port with DP ALT Mode support. However, in this configuration, AMOLED 2 is powered by the phone and acts solely as an additional display. It becomes disconnected from the GPD Duo’s main system, which means the Duo’s keyboard and trackpad cannot be used to control the phone’s display or interface.
      This setup allows you to extend your phone’s screen real estate, but you’ll need to use the phone’s own input methods or connect separate peripherals to interact with its content. While this may limit some potential use cases, it still offers valuable flexibility for users who want to leverage the Duo’s high-quality OLED screen as a portable external display for their smartphones.
      We appreciate your interest in the GPD Duo’s capabilities and hope this clarification helps you understand how it interacts with other devices. If you have any further questions about the GPD Duo’s features, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  21. Hi

    Any news regarding the release?

    1. We will have some news one pre-orders and an estimated release date tomorrow. Check back on our blog here for the news!

    2. We will have some news one pre-orders and an estimated release date tomorrow. Check back on our blog here for the news!

  22. Isn’t there anything that you can tell us regarding the ram size? That should be to big of a secret I think. Many of the specifications are already public information.

    1. We have no details on it yet. But I would expect to see 32GB and 64GB.

  23. Question regarding the secondary display use case. Can you use the main laptop screen and the secondary screen at the same time when the secondary screen is plugged into a device?

    For instance, if my phone is plugged in the second screen, do I still have the function of the laptop as well for the main screen?

    1. We can confirm that you can use Windows on the bottom monitor and have an external device in the top monitor and use them at the same time.

    2. We can confirm that you can use Windows on the bottom monitor and have an external device in the top monitor and use them at the same time.

  24. Will there be a cover for outside screen just in case you want to use the inside screen without exposing the outside screen to outside world
    That would make it a good all purpose laptop
    Using it normally but removing the backcover and propping up the 2nd screen whenvevr needed

    1. As far as we know there will be no cover for the top half of the screen. The way the screens fold to close means there is not much room for a top screen case and probably would not close properly with it on. As a note, there is a keyboard key to switch off/on the top screen.

    2. As far as we know there will be no cover for the top half of the screen. The way the screens fold to close means there is not much room for a top screen case and probably would not close properly with it on. As a note, there is a keyboard key to switch off/on the top screen.

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