GPD G1 eGPU tengikví – hlífðarhulstur

  • Opinbert GPD G1 eGPU hulstur
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  • Þétt passa fyrir GPD G1

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2 ára ábyrgð frá DroiX Global fyrir hugarró þína


• Viðskiptavinir í Bandaríkjunum: Birt verð inniheldur alla viðeigandi skatta.
• ESB viðskiptavinir: Birt verð inniheldur viðeigandi skatt, sem getur verið allt að 25% eftir landi þínu.
• Viðskiptavinir í Kanada: Birt verð inniheldur 5% VSK.


Skipulögð af DroiX, opinberum GPD dreifingaraðila, sendum við með DHL Express DDP (Delivered Duty Paid). Þetta þýðir: Express DDP (Delivered Duty Paid). Þetta þýðir:
• Allir tollar og skattar eru innifaldir í verðinu sem sýnt er á vörusíðunni.
• Þú þarft ekki að greiða nein aukagjöld við afhendingu.
• Ef svo ólíklega vill til að tollatengd vandamál komi upp mun teymið okkar sjá um tollafgreiðsluferlið fyrir þína hönd til að tryggja hnökralausa afhendingarupplifun. Mikilvægar upplýsingar um skil:
• Ef þú ákveður að skila pöntuninni þinni eða óskar eftir endurgreiðslu vegna hugarfarsbreytinga, vinsamlegast hafðu í huga að ekki er hægt að endurgreiða skatta og gjöld sem greidd eru fyrir þína hönd samkvæmt DDP skilmálum. Vinsamlegast skoðaðu skilmála okkar til að fá nákvæmar upplýsingar.

  • 1x GPD G1 hulstur

40,03  Inc. SKATTUR

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GPD G1 Protective Case
GPD G1 eGPU tengikví - hlífðarhulstur
40,03  Inc. SKATTUR


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Ókeypis sending um allan heim á öllum pöntunum yfir $250

  • 30 daga auðveld skil
  • Stutt af DroiX
  • Pantaðu þitt fyrir 14:30 fyrir sendingu samdægurs

    GPD G1 eGPU hlífðarhylki, haltu GPD G1 eGPU þínum öruggum þegar þú ferðast með opinbera GPD hulstrið.

    Additional information

    Weight 100 g
    Dimensions 23 × 12 × 5 cm

    Support information is not available for this product.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 15 reviews
    You Zheng Lin
    GDP G1 is a small portable egpu beast!

    I own a gpd win max 2 from droidx and this year I decided to take the plunge and pick up a gpd g1 egpu for more demanding games. Boy was that a great decision as the egpu just handles any AAA game I throw at it with ease2, gives me a bunch of expansion ports and all in such a small light package for an egpu! It’s an auto include in my bag wherever my win max 2 goes …. it follows. I’ve even ditched my regular power supply for my win max 2 as the g1 charges my win max 2 with usb4. Perfect 10/10

    Ian H.
    Excellent Product

    I'm really happy with the GPD G1 eGPU, the product came nicely packed and arrived in good order. I'm using the external GPU with my Surface pro 9, it has really boosted the performance of my system. I tested a few games and I'm really happy with the performance. I'm not a massive gamer so this suits my needs perfectly. It's small and portable and I can really up my gaming performance when I want to and have a pretty concise setup with the eGPU paired with a Surface pro. I didn't want to be buying a separate gaming rig or console.

    The design is nicely thought out and the toggle switch is very beneficial. I set up the AMD software very quickly without issue, pretty much a plug and play experience - which is always a good!

    I highly recommend, especially if you have a Surface pro 9 or similar which I use, I can confirm compatibility with the surface pro 9 and it was a smooth plug and play experience with minimal technical expertise required.

    Thank you for taking the time to leave us such a positive review! We're thrilled to hear that the GPD G1 eGPU has exceeded your expectations and has improved the performance of your system. We take pride in the product's compact design and user-friendly toggle switch. We're glad that you were able to set up the AMD software easily and that it has provided a seamless plug and play experience. We appreciate your recommendation and we're happy to confirm compatibility with the Surface Pro 9. Thank you for choosing GPD G1 eGPU to enhance your gaming experience. Happy gaming!

    Love it

    Love the new refresh, stays cooler and is more efficient with providing power

    Thank you for your positive feedback on our GPD G1 eGPU Docking Station! We're thrilled to hear that you love the new refresh and have noticed improved cooling and efficiency. We appreciate your support and hope you continue to enjoy our product.

    Patrick F.
    Great, but some trouble...

    The GPD G1 is an awesome GPU.
    I am using it with the GPD Win 4 2024, and it is a really great extension for that.
    BUT... I use this Setup really often with 3 Displays, and in this case my G1 is not recognized by the Win 4 properly. The G1 connects and diconnects every single second, till I deactivate the 780M in Device Manager and activate it again.
    Only then my 3 Displays start to work.
    Tried to delete and reinstall AMD Drivers, still same fault.

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a review for the GPD G1 eGPU Docking Station. We're glad to hear that it has been a great extension for your GPD Win 4. However, we apologize for the trouble you have experienced with the setup and the frequent disconnection issue. We have emailed you requesting for the additional details and we will be happy to assist with it.

    Nate P.
    GPD G1 Protective Case.

    If it isn’t obvious this is solely for the device with no room for cables. I purchased it knowing that as I wanted something to protect the device when traveling in my backpack. Fit is perfect. The g1 slides in easily and requires effort to remove. Only time will tell of its durability.

    Thank you for taking the time to leave a review for our GPD G1 Protective Case. We appreciate your feedback and are happy to hear that the fit is perfect for your device. We understand the need for a compact and protective case for traveling, and we are glad that product meets your needs. We assure you that case is designed to provide durability for your device. Thank you for choosing our product and we hope it continues to serve you well.